Chapter 15 - Surprise Visit

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I stayed wide awake in my bed and it's 8:30 in the morning. I heard the jeep of Emmett moved out of the garage, I knew that Rose and him will be having a date. I wonder when Edward and I will have our first date, now that we're officialy together. I felt lazy today. I planned to stay here inside my room all day because it's weekend, why not enjoy? 

Alice mentioned yesterday that, Spring Dance is fast approaching. I glanced at my calendar and it's only first week of December. For all I knew, the dance will be on April and why in the hell was Alice so excited about it? Does it mean, she'll be in-charged of choosing our dresses again?! Uugghh! I hate dancing, wearing heels, formal dresses and stuffs. 


It was spring dance last school year and I locked myself inside my room. Emmett kept on banging my door from morning till afternoon. Of course, I can't get rid of him. He wanted me to go to the dance but I don't want to. It's not even compulsory so I have my choice and I decided not to attend. I didn't go out of my room but he never gave up, he mentioned encouraging words to me. I'm such a stubborn girl! It was already 3:00 in the afternoon and the assembly time for the dance was 5:00. I was not able to eat my breakfast and lunch because I know he'll caught me. I was irritated at him already and I can't control it anymore. I opened the door and he looked hopeful.

"If you're not going stop, I promise you. You'll have a miserable dance tonight. I'll ruin everything. I mean it brother." I hissed at him, my jaw clenching very hard.

He swallowed and said, "Bells..." He trailed off.

"What?" I narrowed my eyes at him and he looked nervous.

"I'm sorry. I just want you to go and enjoy. That's all." He said.

"Well, it's my choice not yours. Now, go." I said at him and closed my door.

Flashback End

I laughed to myself at the memory flashed in my head. It was hilarious to see Emmett very nervous because of my deadly threaten. I vowed to myself not to go to dances or parties but I don't know if I can still keep that promise, now that Edward, for sure will invite me to go. I can't say no to him because I know I will hurt him.

I felt very happy that winter break will be next, next week! I don't have any plans for my winter break and maybe I'll have it planned this week. But as a student, I have to study for the 1st semester exams that we will be having when classes resume. I don't have to think about it for a while. I have to clear my mind from things.

I got out of my bed and changed into my house clothes, pulled my hair into a messy bun and washed my face in the bathroom. I decided to have my room cleaned up so I went to the kitchen downstairs and got the broom and dustpan. First, I fixed the messy things on top of my table, stacked my books and notebooks, threw the papers and placed my pen inside the case. I finished the table so I proceed in sweeping the floor. 

Finally, after cleaning for half an hour, I grew tired. I'm sweating like a person who had just gone to a marathon and smelled like a guy who did not bath for one week. I left the broom and dustpan beside the door and went inside the bathroom to take a relaxing bath. After taking a bath, I brought the cleaning things downstairs and ate my brunch. Seeing that Charlie, Renee and Emmett have important matters to do, I'm left here at home all alone but I felt peace within me even just today.

I washed the plate and used utensils, went upstairs and dried my hair using a blower. I scanned my small book shelf and found a book then placed a CD on my music player to entertain myself from silence. My eyes kept on closing but I forced them to open just to finish the book I'm reading. When I can't take it anymore, I rested my head on top of my desk and soon, sleep consumed me.

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