|Nineteen| No Mistakes

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"Amazing how eye and skin color come in many shades yet many think sexuality is just gay or straight."
-DaShanne Stokes

Hi guys! I made a new story, "Risking Innocence," and I would be so honored if you'd check that out! Thanks guys!

Song of the Chapter:
-Demi Lovato

Dedicated to-
WritingMama and DemonCat-sama for their amazing comments! Thanks guys!

Don't forget to Vote, Comment, and Follow! Thank you!

~Chesney's Pov~

"Well, you done staring at me or are you gonna give abuela some sugar?"

"Uh, Y-yes Ma'am," Calixto answered, nudging me, and I jumped a bit, coming out of my trance-like state. Killian chuckled at me, wiping his tears away, and he moved out of the way, letting me get closer to his grandma. I was scared to make a move, scared that I would either knock over the equipment, or somehow manage to crush her frail body with my own.

"Well, I'm not getting any younger. I'd love to have my hug before Christmas if you can manage honey," she joked and I blushed as the others laughed quietly. I leaned down and gave  her a hug, trying my best to be gentle, and she scoffed before hugging me tightly making me gasp at her strength. Whoa, looks like Abuela's been hitting the weights.

"Now that's a hug," she chuckled, letting me go, and I stared at her with amazement as she turned her attention towards Calixto. She eyed him up and down before crossing her arms.

"Well hello, tall, dark, and hunky," she purred, making Killian facepalm, and Calixto's jaw dropped slightly as my eyes widened. Oh my gosh, I love this woman.

"Um, hi, Killian's grandma," he whispered before leaning down to hug her and she grabbed him tightly, holding him close like a baby.

"Abuela, I think that's enough," Killian said and she shook her head, drawing Calixto closer to her. I snickered as Calixto tried to keep a smile on her face, to keep from offending her, but he failed as he got closer and closer to her bosoms. Breasts? Whichever is the publicly acceptable one to say.

"Just a few more minutes, I'm savoring this," she whispered and Calixto blushed, eyeing her bosoms with caution. Heh, he's so getting teased about this when we get home. Big, bad Calixto is scared of breasts.

"Okay hot stuff, I'll let you go for now," she finally said, releasing him, much to his pleasure. Killian chuckled and patted him on the back, smiling widely.

"Everyone, this is mi abuela, Valentina. Abuela, you already met Chesney and Calixto, but this is Bello, Drew, Caspar, and Dako- where's Dakota," Killian asked and I pointed outside, making his face contort into one of concern.

"I'll be right back, can you guys keep Abuela company until I come back," Killian asked, not waiting for answer, before walking out of the room and closing the door behind him.

"So, who's this Dakota," Valentina asked and I looked at Calixto apprehensively. Does she know Killian's gay? Should I lie? Can you lie to a sweet, old lady? Isn't that against the law? If not, why isn't it?

"Dakota is his boy-" Bello started but Drew covered his mouth, laughing nervously while nodding at me to say something.

"Um, yeah! Dakota's his boy! You know, like his boy, his homie, his dawg," I said, holding up my hands like a rapper and Calixto shook his head, putting my hands down.

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