|Twenty-Three| Gone

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The next time someone asks you, "Hey, howdja get to be a homosexual anyway?" tell them, "Homosexuals are chosen first on talent, then interview... then the swimsuit and evening gown competition pretty much gets rid of the rest of them." —Karen Williams

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~Calixto's Pov~
I inhaled deeply as I apprehensively opened the door of the hospital room. I pushed it open fully with bated breath, scared of what I would see. With my eyes closed tightly, I stepped forward hesitantly.

Once I felt I was completely inside the quiet room, I reached behind myself and shut the door softly behind me. As the door clicked shut, I released my held breath, listening carefully for the heart monitor I so desperately wanted to hear. Please beep, just one beep.

As seconds soon turned to minutes, I knew that the doctor had told me the truth; he was really gone. Gone and never to come back.

I hesitantly pried my eyes open and I was immediately hit with emotions from the sight of the freshly dead body lying still on the bed. I couldn't help myself and soon erupted into tears and I immediately covered my mouth to try and silence myself; which was to no avail. I slid my feet forward, shuffling timidly until I was close enough to sit in the visitor's chair next to the bed.


"Chesney," I shouted, running through the parking lot towards the officer filled hotel. I pushed my feet as fast as they would go, the soles of my shoes pounding against the street below me. Car horns and sirens sounded from every direction and everything seemed to blur together from how fast I was running, causing me to feel overwhelmingly dizzy.

"Chesney," I roared once more, causing my throat to sting in pain, and I sped through the mob of pedestrian and officers that littered the sidewalk before bursting through the hotel's revolving doors. I pushed my way through the crowds of people, determined to get through.

I stopped in the center of the hotel and looked around in a hurried frenzy, swiveling and craning my neck to catch even the smallest glimpse of my pink-haired angel. My heart started to beat out of my chest as more and more people started to quickly fill the lobby, fleeing outside of the hotel. Elevators beeping wildly, people shouting whilst running for the doors, and the incessant barking of orders from the officers made it almost impossible to hear, let alone see, my lost babe.


I stood still, seemingly frozen, as I heard a shriek of terror cut through the endless sea of people. At the very back of the vast ocean was my wounded, fallen angel, being carted through the crashing waves.

I clinched my fists together tightly, anger and worry pulsating through my entire body like an uncontrollable, electrical surge. I shouted my baby's name once more before charging a path through the fleeing mass of horror filled people, practically throwing them out of the way. I shoved and pushed until I could no longer see Chesney, his body no where in sight.

"Chesney," I shouted, my throat throbbing in pain, and I died a little inside when I received no response whatsoever. I clinched my teeth and pushed myself to go faster, mowing over those that dared to stand in my way. I rammed through everyone and everything, nothing would keep me from Chesney.

"Move! Move! Get the fuck out of my way," I cried louder, swinging my arms wildly as my emotions started to get the best of me. I threw punches and landed a few, eliciting groans of pains from those around me.

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