Cheater Germany x Reader x Prussia

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"Look, Y/n just calm down und ve can talk about zhis!" Ludwig Beilschmidt, the ex-love of your life, begged you as you packed your bags in a hurry to get away from the cheating asshole. "Well you didn't want to talk when you had your dick stuck up that other girls vagina." You spat at him in fury; shall we recap. Okay. So you had just had a terrible day at work, and you came home to see stripper heels lying on the floor right in front of the door. As you maneuvered you way around the house, you found many more items of clothings that didn't belong to you or Ludwig. You were confused and kind of worried. When you finally came to the bedroom, you were horrified to hear moaning and groaning from behind the door, and when you burst in glaring at the blonde bimbo underneath Ludwig, you became furious. "Oh sweetheart. Could you please get off of my boyfriend and get out." You growled as she gasped, obviously not knowing that the German man was already seeing you. Nevertheless she got dressed and ran out of the house.

That lead you up to about right now, where you were throwing the keys at Ludwig and driving out of the driveway of your- no -his house. You drived up to your old house, unlocking the door, then slumping against it as thick hot tears ran down your cheeks. You really were in love with Ludwig, and it hurt you more than anything that he hadn't even broken up with you before going to that other girl. You were also angry at yourself, for letting him so close as to hurt you like that.

Prussia's POV

"Yo Vest! Vhere's Y/n?" I ask as I open the door to our house. When I look around, and notice all of her things missing, my heart stops for a moment. "Y/n broke up vith me." Was my blunt reply. No remorse or sadness from the breakup from Ludwig. Just a cold reply. "Vhat happened Bruder?" See, I can be caring towards my family at times. Just not when it comes to Elizabeta. "I cheated on her." I gasp and storm up to my little brother, slapping my hand over his face. "Bruder, how dare jou cheat on someone as vonderful as Y/n? I zhought I rose jou better zhan zhat." I glared at him before thinking up scenarios on where the beautiful h/l h/c haired girl with e/c eyes could be at. Right, stupid me, she'll be at her old house. With the awesomely adorable Gilbird in my hair, I grab my motorcycle, which Y/n had always bugged me about the dangers of, and drove to Y/n's house. The drive felt so slow compared to the rest of time, but I got there eventually. I park the bike up and run to the front door, knocking on it rapidly. Y/n opens it, allowing her head to poke out from the door slightly. I notice her eyes are rimmed with red, and what I can see of her face is blotchy. She still looks beautiful though! I pull her into a hug, walking so she is walking backwards into the house. "Gilbert," She whispers brokenly. "Shh shh, it's okay now, I'm here." If I am to be honest (Which I always am) I would have to admit that I had fallen in love with her, however, Ludwig was already dating her so I couldn't exactly tell her that. A sob wracks her body as she pulls me closer, crying into my t-shirt, her tears soaking it. "What did I do wrong?" She asks me, I lift her head up gently.

"Look at me okay, ja. Jou did nozhing vrong Y/n. Mein Bruder vas just an idiot, und he doesn't deserve jou." I tell her firmly, her trying to disagree with me. "Nope, nope, shh..." I trail off, looking down at her lips. Before I can even think I am kissing her softly. It takes her a while to process it, it takes me a while to. I pull back quickly, expecting to be slapped or something. "Gott, Y/n, I'm so sorry, it's just I've kind of liked you for a long time now und jou-" She cut me off by placing a finger on my lips and staring at me straight in the eye. "Look, Gil. It will take me a while to get over Ludwig. You know why. But, I think that we can make us work out." I grin and pull her into another hug. "I just need some more time." She whispers. "Yeah, that's fine. Better zhan fine actually, zhat's awesome. Jou are awesome, like me, but even more awesome." She giggles and playfully punches my arm.

"I'll take that as a huge compliment coming from you Mister Awesome One." I grin and laugh slightly, breathing in the scent of her hair. "Jou really awe amazing zhough. Don't let my bruders actions let you zhink ozhervise. Ich liebe dich, no matter vhat. Und zhat's all zhat matters." She smiles a teary smile. "God I probably look awful right now." She chuckles wiping away a few stray tears. I frown and lift her chin up, forcing her to look me in the eyes, "Nope, I still see zhe awesome jou." She blushes slightly and throws her arms around me in a tight embrace. "Thank you so much for being here Gil." I grin and kiss her forehead. "Ja, vell it vould be un-awesome of me not to be vith zhe person I love vhen zhey are dealing vith heartbreak." Y/n laughs and rolls her eyes playfully.

"And it would be terrible if you lost your awesomeness, wouldn't it Gilbert?" I gasp in mock horror. "Oh ze horror! Just imagine me vithout mein awesomeness!" Y/n giggles and pokes my stomach, causing me to laugh. Gilbird chirps and pops out of my hair, flying off into Y/n's hair and messing it up slightly. "Hey Gilbird, you having fun in my hair?" Y/n asks rhetorically. Gilbird chirps and snuggles down. I smile and grip Y/n's waist bringing her close to me. "I promise I vill never ever cheat on jou vith someone else. Ich liebe dich." She brings her arms up around me neck.

"Ich liebe dich auch...

Now hurry up and kiss me."

This oneshot is dedicated to Iggyxflyingmintbunny. Thank you sooo much for voting on my stories.

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