Nordics x Soldier Reader: The Last Letter.

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Dear Nordics,

                         My brothers, you were always there for me, and I know that to you, I have betrayed you by joining the army. I need you to understand that I needed to do this, for my people, and for me. I can not stand by and watch as those stupid Russian Bastards kill off my people, they are traumatising children and terrorizing my people with their words alone. A war was necessary. I know that you did not want me to go and fight, but I have sat back idly pushing it to the back of my mind for far too long. My country has been through many things, and this war is just another one of those things. My nation fought in WW1, WW2, Afghanistan, Iraq, we helped out many countries to win wars and the row of battles won will not end here. My people have done so much for me, and it is about time that I do something for them in return. Do not worry too much, I will be fine. I will help my country to make its own History, these battles shall be known among children as the battle of the brave, and I shall return home to tell people the tale. Just know that I am not just doing it for me and my people, I'm doing it so that Russia knows to stay away from you guys.

I wish you all the best,

The representation of the Kingdom of C/n.

Finland read the letter out loud for all of the Nordics to hear, Norway and Sweden looked down at their laps, both unconvinced that she would survive this war, Iceland frowned and stared at the wall, Denmark and Finland sighed and left the room. None of them knew what was to come, but they worried greatly for their sister. It wasn't that they had no faith in their sisters' ability, they were just worried that she would get hurt. They decided not to write a response to that letter, there was nothing for them to say.

Dearest Brothers,

This will be my only letter before I actually head off for battle! I've been placed on the front, and I surpassed all of my training with flying colours! This battle will be won, and it will be a great victory for C/n. I miss you all terribly, and I know you didn't answer my last letter, but I do hope you read it, yes? I'm sure you did! Anyway, the skies are dark and grey over here, it's going to rain. I know that Today, I will witness a lot of death, but I would anyway. At home, things are just as bad as the conditions over here. I don't think you know this, but in C/n, Russian soldiers patrol the streets, they hold the heads of dead people from my nation high, parading the deceased through the streets like it is some medal that they achieved. I am putting an end to this right now, I will not allow my people to suffer any longer.


The representation of the Kingdom of C/n.

Norway read that letter out loud, his emotionless voice and expression not showing any of his feelings as he read. All of them were secretly anxious at the thought of their sister heading off into battle that day, but they could understand. Each and every one of them would do anything to keep their people safe from harm, and they knew that C/n was only doing the same thing for her people. They wrote back this time, only one sentence wishing her the best of luck on the battlefield. 

Dearest Brothers,

There was so much blood. I'm a nation, I should be used to seeing so much pain and agony, but it was so much. We won the battle, though. About a thousand of us went out, only 700 returned. Russia is doing a lot worse. At the beginning, he had a lot more soldiers, when they retreated, he had lost a lot more than us. All of my countries soldiers fought valiantly, and those who died had the words of our national anthem stuck in their throats. Not one of them died in vain. There was a high number of casualties, but the majority of them will survive. The first battle has been won by C/n. I could not be prouder to call myself a part of these people. Seeing the courage, the loyalty and the patriotism in their eyes, even as they faded away into a darkness from which we can not follow, and from which they shall not return, they were a part of C/n. Thank you for responding to my last letter. And let us hope that this one shall not be my last. I am going back into battle in two days.

Forever with you,


Denmark frowned as he read, a frown that was not unfamiliar to the other Nordics. Denmark was afraid. The war was not a very good one for C/n to be in, and there was a high chance that she could be one of those fading away into a darkness. "What if-" Sweden cut Iceland off with a sharp glare, knowing what the younger nation was going to say. For anyone who had seen Sweden's face, initially they would be scared, but if you saw his glare... Now that would give you nightmares for a very long time. "She won't. She's strong."


It had been a year since the last time C/n had written a letter. Another letter had arrived, but this one was very different than those that had come before it. It had arrived by another soldier, in a yellow envelope, with the shape of dog tags inside of it. For the first time in an extremely long while, Sweden felt hot tears sting at his eyes, and when the soldier uttered the words 'I am sorry,' he burst out in horrible heart-wrenching sobs. The other Nordics ran to the door to see what was wrong with the third eldest country in their group. As they saw the letter, their hearts seemed to stop. Everything around them slowed down. Surprisingly, Norway was the first of the four to break. His pale hand moved shakily to his mouth, where a small quiet sob was produced. Tears clouded his vision as he stumbled backwards. Finland held him up tears streaming down his face too. Denmark's breathing grew ragged, he choked on air as he cried, sinking to the floor holding his head, shaking it in disbelief. Iceland leant against the wall, a hand on his face hiding the tears that had gathered.

Sad Ending!

"She died asking if she had saved you if she had succeeded in making you proud. I was there. Right next to her, she died in my arms. We- We were close, my parents disowned me after I left Russia to join C/n in the war, she comforted me. S-She died a savior. A protector and she will never be forgotten among the ranks. She ended the war so that n-no one else w-would die." The soldier cried as he told them what had happened, handing over the letter with trembling hands to Denmark, who had gently pushed past Sweden to receive the letter. The Dane took out the Dog Tags, pressing his lips against the cool, slightly red-stained metal. "S-she h-has made u-us the m-most pr-proud br-brothers e-ever." 

Happy Ending!

"Michael, that was a horrible prank." The soldier at the door smirked and looked back at a figure. The Nordic's heads all shot up at the familiar voice. C/n pushed past the male soldier and stood at the doorway, smiling down at the crying countries. In a blink of an eye, she was on the floor, all five brothers hugging her with all their might. Lots of curses were cried at her, as the brothers all gave her a joyous 'Welcome Home.' Michael watched on from the sidelines, smiling, but knowing that he would never get a welcome like that from his own family. The Nordics were just glad ot have their sister back amongst them, where they could keep her safe.

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