Mark Does My Makeup

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"Y/N....Y/N....wake up..." said a low soothing voice. It was familiar, but i was to tired and lazy to identify it.

"Y/N, wake up..." he said again. I groaned, and shoved the blankets over my head.

He chuckled. "Ok then, you left me no choice...." he said.

I listened to his footsteps fade away. what the hell is he doing?...

I then heard fast and heavy footsteps, charging towards me fast. And then it just stopped.

"Huuff!!" i yelped as i felt his body impact land on top of me, hard. He just jumped on top of me.

"Hahaha! Wake up! Wake up!" he yelled as he started to tickle my sides. I punched and kicked the best of my ability as i laughed hysterically

"Hahaha stoppp Mark! Haha stop it! Get off of me! Hahahahaha!" i yelled throughout laughs.

"Are you gonna wake up?'' he asked me, pulling down the blanket to see my face. I glared at him.

"Fine." i said, rolling my eyes.

"That's my girl." he said, as he pecked my lips.

"I gotta go edit in my office. Its your turn to make breakfast anyway." he said, as he walked down the hall to his 'office' as he likes to call it now.

I groaned, and got out of bed. I opened my drawer filled with my pants, and grabbed a pair of skinny jeans, and went to my closet and grabbed a shirt that i bought when i went shopping with Marzia.

She went home yesterday. She said that she would come back for Christmas, and bring Felix with her so that he isn't so lonely like he apparently was for the last 3 days. He litterally made a blog about how Marzia left him alone to see me and Mark. I didn't hesitate to take a selfie with Marzia, and send it to him, bragging about how much fun we were having without him. His reaction was priceless!

After i got dressed, i put my hair up in a messy bun, and made my way to the kitchen. I opened the fridge, and got out the eggs, milk, and cheese. I grabbed a bowl from the cabinet, and cracked a few eggs into the bowl. Yep. It was an omelet day.

"Ahh, so your making omelets today, huh?" said Aunt Brenda behind me. I turned to see her bright and contagious smile. I smiled back at her, and continued making breakfast.

"Ya, eggs sounded good today." i said.

"Ya, it smells good too." she said, as she sat down at the table with a newspaper.


***(time skip to after breakfast)***

"hello everybody! My name is Markiplier, and here with me is my beautiful girlfriend, Twixter!" Mark said to the camera.

I waved, trying to hide my blush.

"So we decided to do a challenge where my boyfriend, Mark, is going to do my makeup. And i will judge on whether or not he does a good job." i said, narrowing my eyes at him.

"Hey, i am a champion at this." he said, defensively.

"Oh, so your saying you've had practice? I said, smartly.

"" he said, embarrassed.

"Haha that's what i thought. So here is my makeup bag." i said as i handed him my makeup bag.

"I don't know if i should trust you, Mark..." i said as i eyed him suspiciously.

"Don't worry, i'll make you beautiful. Even though you already are." he said, flirtatiously.

"Ok, lover boy. Just do my makeup..." i said, my face turning red.

He chuckled and got out the foundation. He put some on his finger, and began rubbing it all over my face.

"Well at least you know what comes first..." i said, jokingly.

"Of course i know what comes first!" he said defensively. I giggled as he got out the powder, and started dabbing it on my face.

"You don't have to tap it on my face, you can just rub it on like you did with the foundation."

"Don't tell me how to do it, i got it!" he said, pretending to be annoyed. I rolled my eyes and looked at the camera pleadingly.

When he finished doing that, he got out the eye liner. oh no...

"Oh god Mark just don't..." i said, wide eyed. He chuckled.

"hey, i like eye liner, so your gonna wear it." he said, and grabbed the back of my head and pulled me closer so that he had a better view of my eyes.

He held the pencil up to my eye, and started tracing the frame of my eye lids. I held as still as i could, terrified he would mess up and....ya. But he didn't. He eventually finished, leaving me unharmed. Bit then he got the mascara. Oh god...


"Shhh!" he shushed me.

"Don't you shush me!" i said defensively.

"Well i just did." he said, putting his hands on his hips, and doing a girly girl impression. I rolled my eyes, and let him put on my mascara. He was basically done when he started. Yay! I made it through half of it!

He then reached for the lipstick.

"Ahhh, here we go! This is gonna make you bootiful." he said, trying to make me laugh. I just rolled my eyes at him. I tend to do that alot lately....

Once he got the lipstick on, he got the eye shadow.

"Haha nope! That goes on before the eye liner and mascara! So its too late for that!" i said, hoping i wouldn't have to go through any more eye torture.

"Well to bad! its gonna happen." he said, butting the blue color on his finger. Oh god i never put blue eye shadow on...

He rubbed it against my eye lid a few times. Judging on how many times he did, it is gonna be a pretty thick layer of blue. God i can just imagine...

Eventually he put it back in the bag.

"Are you done yet?" i asked him.

"No! i still have to put on the blush!" he said, grabbing the blush out from the bag. I sighed, and let him apply a large amount of blush on my cheeks.

"Ok now I'm done. Take a look." he said, grabbing the mirror beside me and held it I'm front of me so that i could see my reflection.

He actually didn't do that bad. He put a little too much powder on, way too much blush, and WAY too much eye shadow, but the mascara and eye liner was pretty good, along with the lip stick.

"Hmm. Not bad, just a little too much eye shadow and blush...." i said.

"Oh whatever, its perfect! Don't tell me how to live my life..." he mumbled, and pouted. I gave him my 'are you serious' look, and rolled my eyes.

"Its actually not bad for a guy's work. You did good.'' i said, smiling. And then i got the best idea never. My smile turned into a mischievous one. And Mark knew it.

"And since you did a good job, i have a gift for you." i said, then kissed his cheek. Making sure to leave a big blob of lipstick on his cheek. I pulled back and stared at the kiss mark. Yep. I did a pretty good job.

"Hehehe, good luck washing that off." i said, pointing to the lipstick blob.

"What!?" he yelled, and looked in the mirror.

"You ass hole..." he said.

"I love you too.Well, that's all for now, guys. Like, comment, or subscribe if you liked it, and like always, we will see you later. Bye!" i said, and turned off the camera.

"You know i really hate you sometimes." he said, smiling, while rubbing the lipstick off with a towel.

"Ya, but you love me." i said, wrapping my arms around his neck, and he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"I know."

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