Chap 8.

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Carter's POV:

I may have accidently, maybe, probably, have made Matt mad. Oops. So we were just relaxing in our rooms, doing nothing. I probably annoyed Matt a couple of times, but that was because I was bored out of my mind.

The rest of the guys fallen asleep by now, so Matt and I had nothing to do. I started messing around with him, vining some stuff here and there. Until out of now where, Matt attacked me!

He became full on dinosaur mode. Mattosaurs rex alert! He started chasing me down the halls, just because.

As I was running, I felt my hat fall off But there was no time in the world just to get it because an Espisaurus Rex was coming after me!

After moments of being tugged by an out of control Matt, I saw a girl come upon us. I quickly froze, then I stood up as Matt quickly did the same.

"Hi, um. Is this yours?" She asked as she hands out my hat.

"Uh yes. Yes it is." I say while taking my hat. I put it on with my smile out. We kind of still stand their awkwardly before she leaves. I stand there, a little shocked. I look over to Matt, as he seemed a little wide eyed.

I even hesitated a hug for a second. Wasn't she a fan? Well, she's a girl. But she wasn't all jumpy...

Kayla's POV:

As I handed the guy his hat, they put on this really big smile. It was weird because I felt as if they expected more from me.

It was a but awkward, even when the guy with the hat walked up a little, as if he was gonna hug me but hurriedly stopped.

I just turned and walked away. As I was walking back, I thought about that odd situation.

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