Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

After school was over, I race home on my motorcycle and walk in the house. "Mom and dad! I'm home!" I call as I walk into the kitchen for something to eat. I walk to the refrigerator and find a note.

Bella, we had to work double shifts. You can order takeout or cook something. Love you, Mom and Dad.

I sigh and walk up to my room. "They're never home." I mummble to myself and walk into my closet. "Who's never home?" Ashton asks behind me and I give him a roundhouse kick. I hit him square in the jaw and he stumbles back. "I'm so sorry, Ashton!" I say and help him up. "It's okay. That's a solid kick by the way." He says and I smile. "That kick won me the cash prize in Puerto Rico. In the boxing world they call me Isabella 'Knockout' Martini." I say and gand him an ice pack out of my mini refrigerator. "I box too. They call me Ashton 'Demolition' Killer." He says and I nod. "I know. I've heard of you." I say as I sit on my bed. "Wait, what are you doing in my room?" I ask and he walks to my window. "The guys that you met at lunch wanted to know if you wanted to hang out with us." He says and I look out my window. "Hey guys! I'm about to cook, do you want to help me?!" I yell and they nod their heads before they climb into my room. "Hey, Bella." They say and I wave. "Hey guys. Follow me." I say and they nod before we walk back into the kitchen.

"Okay guys, I have beef, pork, and chicken. Which do you want?" I ask as I look through my kitchen pantries and refrigerator. "I want chicken." Ashton and André say. "I want pork." Reece and Dennis say. "Well, I want beef. How about I make all three?" I suggest and they look at each other before they nod their heads. "Okay then. So who can cook besides me?" I ask and Reece, André, and Oscar raise their hands. "Okay. Reece gets pork; Oscar gets chicken, and André gets beef. I'll make the quesodillas." I say and they nod. I point to Archer and Dennis. "You two can set the table since you two can't cook." I say and hand them plates and other stuff. They nod and walk to the dining room.

About twenty minutes later, all the food is cooked and we're at the table. "Okay, who wants to say Grace?" I ask and they all look down. "Fine, bow your heads and close your eyes. If you open them I'll give you a roundhouse kick." I say and they nod their heads. "Dear Heavenly Father, I pray that you nourish our bodies and protect our souls. So that we may become strong and so that we're able to work and serve you. In Jesus, Heavenly Father I pray, Amen." I say and we all say "Amen" in unison. "Now you can eat." I say and we dig in. "Have you really been all over the world?" Oscar asks and I nod. "Even Amsterdam?" He asks and I laugh. "I loved that trip, and the tulips were amazingly beautiful." I say and he gives me a boyish grin. "London?" Dennis asks and I nod again. "I love the bangers and mash that they have there." I say and he nods. "What's your favorite tea to have with crumpets?" He asks and I think about that for a moment. "Earl Grey." I say after a while and he nods. "What did you love about Mongolia?" Reece asks and I immediately reply,"The fact that everyone there belonged somewhere. It was sweet." I look at Ashton. "I loved Puerto Rico's flowers and their food. I loved how everything was spicy, even the desserts." I say and he grins with satisfaction.

After we finish eating, Dennis and Ashton do the dishes and we all go back up to my room. "Thanks for dinner, Bella. It was amazing." Reece says and I blush. "Thanks you guys. I'll see you at school, yeah?" I say and they nod their heads. They all climb out of the window except Ashton. "Hey, Isabella. Thank you for dinner." He says and I nod. "Leave your window open." He asks and I raise an eyebrow. "Why?" I ask and he smirks. "I might want to come in your room." He says and leaves throught my window. Before he goes into his room he winks. I go to bed that night with a huge blush on my face.

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