Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

"So what do you want to do until my parents wake back up?" I ask and he grabs my hand and pulls me after him. "Where are we going?" I ask as we get into his car. "We're going to go and train. How long will they be asleep?" Ashton answers and I laugh a little bit to myself. "They'll be wide awake tomorrow morning or tomorrow afternoon. They can sleep a whole day away, and never really remember doing it." I say and he gives me a wicked grin that makes my heart to bonkers. "That's good." He says before he drives off.

{A few minutes later...}
"Here we are!" Ashton says excitedly as he pulls up in from of a gym close to the bad part of town. "Where are we exactly?" I ask and he gives me an excited smile. "I've been coming to this gym for years now, and it's my home away from home." He says he pulls me after him and into the building.

We walk in and I instantly feel at home. All of the punching bags are close to coming off of their hinges, and I love all of it. "I love it here!" I say as I walk into the boxing ring. "You must really love to fight." He says and I think long and hard about what I'm going to say. "When I was little people used to bully me a lot. I learned how to fight as a necessity, but then it became a pleasure. A way for me to relive all of my stress, and all of that anger." I explain and he gives me a hug. "It's okay. I'll tell you something later that might make you feel better." He whispers in my ear, and I nod my head. "Ashton! Who is this lovely young lady that you have with you!" I hear a man with a deep voice ask and turn around to see the cutest old man that I've ever layer eyes on. He was short and had a belly, with rosy red cheeks and an old cheeky smile that only an old man can have. "Oh my goodness! He looks so cute!" I shout like a crazy person as I run over to him and wrap him in a hug. "Is this girl okay, Ashton?" The old man asks and I take a few steps back and smile at him. "Hillo! My name is Isabella Martini, and it's a pleasure to meet you." I say in a genuine happy tone, and the old man's eyes widen. "You're THE Isabella Martini?" He asks and I nod my head as he starts to laugh. "I've been dying to meet you! I'm your biggest fan!" He shouts and I smile at him before he pulls out a piece of paper and a pen out before he hands them to me. "Will you please sign them?" He asks excitedly and I nod my head. "Sure thing! Who do I make it out to?" I ask and he gives me a proud smile. "Ryder Noel, but people here just call me 'Pops'." He says proudly and I laugh as I sign the paper. "Pops. I was wondering if I could get a contract with your building sir, I want to start fighting again." I say and he nods his head at me before he quickly leaves the room. "You really are famous, aren't you?" Ashton asks and I start to blush. "Whatever. I'm known for my first match ever. I knocked the girl out with a solid punch to her face. That's how I got the nickname 'Knockout'." I say before I pull him after me and into the room that Mr. Noel just went into. 

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