Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

We get to the park and I get out of the car. The wind is blowing softly and I smile as I look around. Ashton gets out of the car and looks over at me with a small smile. "Ready to go baby girl?" He asks and I nod my head as I take his hand in mine. "Yes Ash." I answer and he nods his head before he starts to walk down a trail in the park.

"Look at the flowers Ash. They're amazingly beautiful." I whisper in awe as we keep waking. Ashton reaches down and picks one of the flowers ,which happens to be a lilac, before he turns to me and puts it in my ear. "There you go." He says softly and I reach up on my tip toes to kiss him softly. He bends down to meet me halfway ​before he kisses me back.

He keeps kissing me before he backs me into a tree and I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him down to deepen the kiss. He moans softly into my mouth and picks me up before I pull away to catch my breath. He smiles at me before he looks down at our current position. "Well....this is nice." He says with a smug smirk on his face and I blush deeply. "Yeah, yeah it is, but will you put me down please?" I ask and he groans as he puts me down.

"I really like my flower." I say to Ashton as I pull it out of my hair and hold it in my hands. We go back to walking and I put the flower in Ashton's hair. He smiles down at me at takes his hand in mine. As we're walking, I pull him over a bench and we both sit down. I put my legs over his and lays my head on his shoulder. He wraps an arm around my waist and kisses the side of my head. "I love you Isabella." He says and looks down at me with a worried glance. "I'm sorry!! It was way too early for me to say that!!" He says and I kiss him softly as I cup his cheeks with my hands. "I love you too Ashton." I whisper and he blushes deeply before he kisses me softly but passionately against my lips.

I pull away slightly and lay my head on his so I can catch my breath. I smile and kiss his blush as I lay my head on his shoulder. He takes my hand in his and see all of the scars on my knuckles. "You bare knuckle box?" He asks and I nod my head. "Yes. Don't you?" I ask and he shakes his head. "No....I use gloves." He answers and I nod my head before I smile and chuckle lightly. "That's cute." I say and I can see him blush deeply. "Shut up." He mumbles and I nod my head as I close my eyes.

"Well, well, well....what do we have here?" I hear a voice say and I open my eyes. There's a group of guys around us and I look at Ashton to see him glaring at all four of them. "Can we help you?" I snap at him and every eye turns to me. The one who just spoke laughs lightly. "You're cute, sweetheart. You should go before something happens to you." He says and walks over to me before he grabs me by my chin and pulls me up. I knee him in the stomach and then knee his nose which causes it to break and bleed. "No one calls me sweetheart." I snap at him and look at the other guys there. "Wanna meet my knee?! Huh?! Now get lost you jerks!" I shout and grab Ashton's hand before I pull him after me to the car.

"Who were they?!" I ask Ashton as he starts to drive away. "That was my old gang, and you just gave my old gang leader a bloody and broken nose." He answers and I glare at him. "What the flipping pancakes?! What did I just do?!" I shout and he looks at me. "I have a plan, okay?" He says and I nod my head as he keeps driving.

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