Chapter 19

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     I hang up the phone and looks at the girls with a terrified expression on my face. "What? What's wrong?" Selena asks. "We need to go. Now. Get your stuff and let's go." I say quickly as we all get up and rush out of the door. "Where do you young ladies think you're going?" The teachers asks and everyone turns their attention to me. "Something came up and my parents need me at the hospital and they're my ride." I explain and the teacher sits up and looks at me. "They're all your ride?" The teacher asks and I roll my eyes. "Maybe I should call your parents? Hm? Would that be alright?" The teacher asks and I let out a low growl as I grit my teeth. "You wanna call my parents? How about I call them first and explain how my idiotic teacher is holding me here against my will. My parents donate a lot of money to this school, and I'm positive that they wouldn't appreciate their daughter being harassed? Now would they? Hmm?" I ask as I walk right up to the teacher and get into his face.

     He opens his mouth to say something but immediately closes it, and I smirk triumphantly. "Good. Now if you'll excuse us we need to leave." I say to him before I quickly turn on my heel and leave the room. The girls follow me as I make a mad sprint down the hall. I pull out my phone once I reach the end of the hall and dial Mr. William's phone. It goes straight to voicemail and a cold sweat breaks out. "What's going on Isabella? What happened?" Selena asks as we make our way out of the school.

     "Something happened to the guys. I was on the phone with Ashton and Dennis went to go answer the door, and I heard a gun shot then the phone cut off. I don't know what happened, but I know that something's wrong." I explain and Selena starts to cry. I pull her up and grab her by her shoulders. "Listen to me Selena, we need to make sure that they're okay, do you understand me? So suck it up and help me find out what happened." I say in a stern tone and she nods her head silently. I pull her into a quick hug before I turn to face the rest of the girls. "I hope y'all can run." I explain before I take off down the street to my house.

     We get to my house and the girls and I put on comfortable clothes. "Are we ready to go?!" I shout as I stand at the bottom of my steps and wait for them. "Give us a few minutes! We need to calm Selena down!" Jada shouts back and I nod my head and sigh. "Y'all have got five minutes! We really need to go!" I shout back up before I go next door to Ashton's house. 

     I knock on the door and waits a few minutes before it swings open and I see Ashton's mom. "Hi. Is Ashton home?" I ask and she shakes her head. "No, I'm sorry dear." She replies and I nod my head, trying to keep my panic down to a minimum. "Oh, well has he called you or left you a message? Anything at all?" I ask and she shakes her head slowly. "I haven't heard from him. Is something wrong with him?" She asks and I quickly shake my head, feeling guilty for having to lie to her. "Everything's fine ma'am. He probably just forgot to call me. You know how forgetful he is." I say as I try to give her my most convincing smile. She nods and laughs. "You have a point, but when you find him will you please tell him to come home so we can talk?" She asks and I nod my head. "Of course I will ma'am." I reply and she smiles as I have good bye and run to my house.

     "Okay girls we really need to go!" I shout as I swing the door open and see all of the girls standing around looking at me. "I see y'all are ready to go." I reply as I grab a pair of car keys and go to my garage. They follow me and we all pile in before I drive over to Andre's house.

    I knew something was wrong before I even got to the actual mansion. The gates were open and my heart dropped. I slowly drove past the gates but sped up once I passed them. We got to the actual mansion and I jumped out of the car after I turned it off and walked inside the already opened doors. My heart stopped in it's track and I held my hand up to keep the girls from coming inside the house. "Don't come in if you're squimish." I whisper as I walk inside the house cautiously. My heart sinks further as I go farther into the house. "Ashton?! Ashton where are you?! Please call out or something!" I shout and hear a groan in response.

     I walk into a room and gasps as I look inside. "Someone call my parents!" I shout as Alex grabs my phone from my hand and calls my parents. I walk into the room and drop by Ashton's side. I start to cry as I look at his body. There are cuts and bruises all over him along with a busted lip and eyebrow. "A-are you shot?" I manage to choke out he can only grunt and point to his side. I quickly suck in my tears and press a shirt against his room. "Tell my parents to hurry the hell up!" I shout and ignore the tears streaming down my face. "I'm so sorry that I let this happen to you Ashton. I should've just listen to you." I say as I cry into his chest, no longer able to contain my tears.

     "Go...find....William." I hear a voice barely whisper and I whip my head around to see André leaning against a wall, pressing into his own wound. "Are you gonna be okay?" I ask as I stumble to my feet. "Yeah. The rest of the guys are fine, just knocked out." André explains with labored breathing and I nod my head before I walk, more like stumble, out of the room. "Has anyone seen William?!" I shout and wait for a reply. "He's fine! He was just hiding!" I hear Karis shout back and I breath a sigh of relief as I sink down to the floor and cry.

     I pull myself together after a few minutes and stand up as I let out a growl. "I won't stand for this anymore!" I shout as I make my way to the front of the house. "Jada, when my parents come tell them that I'm okay. When Ashton wakes up, tell him that I'm sorry." I tell her and she nods before she grabs my arm. "What are you going to do?" She asks and I bite my lip as I look at her. "I'm going to end this once and for all." I reply before I get into my car and leave the property.

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