Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

"What's going on with you Ashton?" I ask as I follow him amd he just gets in the car. "Nothing." He snaps and I glare at him. "Why can't you tell me?" I ask and he growls as he pulls out of the parking lot. "Because I care about you too much!" He shouts and I decide to keep quiet and nod my head as he continues to drive.

He gets to his house and stops in front of it. "Get out and go to my room." He says and I nod my head before I get out of the car. "Are you going to be okay, Ashton?" I ask and he nods his head. "Yeah...just go to my room, lock the doors and windows, and don't let anyone in. Okay?" He says and I nod my head. "I love you, Ashton. Please be careful." I say and he nods his head before he gives me a small smile and a kiss. "I'll always be careful." He says and I nod my head again before he drives off.

I'm not going to write in Ashton's POV because it's going to be pm me if you want this part of the story! 

{A few hours later...}
It's twelve o' clock (12:00) (midnight) and Ashton's still not here, and I'm starting to lose my mind. I'm pacing in his room when I hear a grunt as someone opens the door. I gasp as I see Ashton barely standing there bloody and bruised. I run over to him and help him to the bathroom. "What in Texas happened to you?!" I whisper shout at him as I start to treat his wounds. "Nothing." He says and I snap my head up to look at him so fast that I'm surprised that it didn't snap. "No! You don't get to walk in here all bloody and barely standing and won't tell me that there's something wrong with you! Ashton Killer if you don't tell me what's wrong with you right now so help me I'm going to kill you!" I shout at him and he looks taken back that he's at a loss for words. He opens his mouth and sighs before he looks down. "I used to have a brother, and I looked up to him. He got into a gang and I did was the same one so that we could look after each other. He decided to leave the gang, and was killed about a few years later. He didn't even see it coming...I didn't even see it coming. After he died, I left the gangas well but they didn't kill least not yet." He says as he looks at his hands. I sigh and sit in his lap causing him to groan and I quickly jump up. "No no. It's okay." He says and I shake my head and pull him towards his bed and help him lay down. "I'm so sorry, Ashton. It's my fault that I asked you..." I say as I lay down next to him. He strips out of his clothes so that he's in only his boxers and pulls me closer to his chest. "It's okay. You're just trying to look out for me." He says and I nod my head before I kiss his arm. "I'm still sorry about your brother." I say and he yawns. "It's okay. We just don't talk about it." He says and I nod my head before I yawn too. "Would you like to go to sleep now, sleeping beauty?" He asks and I nod my head. "Yes please. Will you go to sleep too?" I ask and he nods his head before we both fall asleep.

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