Belle In Wonderland/ Lindsay and the Broken Pocket Watch

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(As you may have figured out, the friend I have been writing for is named Belle. So... this is about us again.

We had a problem in our relationship that I wrote about in this poem and a couple more that i may share later.

By the way, although I go by Winwy Wolfie on here and at times La La Cat, my name is actually Lindsay. So that explains the rest)


Belle in Wonderland/ Lindsay and the Broken Pocket Watch

Once, I made a mistake.

I blamed you for things I can't control.

better call Alice.

we fell down a rabbit hole.


I broke my neck in the fall,

and you chose him with eyes binded closed.

pointing fingers at all

guessing and accusing.

it took quite the toll,

the effects of the great fall.


I ran off on a seemingly endless chase

trying to pick up the pieces you broke in the fall.

a race

against myself, you, and time.

now look at me,

a broken soul, trying to rhyme.

I'll stutter over prepositions

I'll mumble over lines

I make, now, a propostion.

fix things, will we, maybe?

perfect our second try.

is there even such a thing as a second chance lately?

will we ever do more than wonder why?


is it true that sometimes to survive,

you've gotta kill your mind?

Is this another endless tea party of chaos

or is there another way out to find?


a never ending dance

around a table

twinkle twinkle

the mouse is dead, save him unable


we tripped, we fell

you lied, I lost

none is well

forgive or not, decide we must


you apologize for getting distracted by

the Hatter and his tea.

you answer the "why".

you choose me

and I'll forgive you with all sincerity.


I don't blame you for the wrong you've done

forgive you, I will

but my heart is now locked in stone.

If you can find the key and truly love me,

the lock will open again, it will.


and up, out of the rabbit hole

we'll rise

and never again

have to wonder why

-La La Cat

(aka Winwy Wolfie)

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