House of Horror/ Kill Everybody

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House of Horror/ Kill Everybody

Dimly lit hallways

never ending corridors

the box in the cupboard where the knives stay

a broken chandelier

a window to never portay

a single sunshine ray

it has been cemented closed for years

near the place where the old piano leers

atop the baby grand lay

an old bottle of wine

a feathery pen

scattered pages

and a line

a line repeated a million different ways

like a riddle on constant replay

beside the riddle,

sits a message scrawled across a napkin: "The Inside. The Inside of My Mind. The Inside of the Mind of A Writer. A Poet. A Musician. An Artist."

and in the middle

of it all

lays, displaced, one of the knives

a gift to an unsuspecting wife

who left years ago


A red ocean coats the floor, sticky and dry

A stain, A painting

A painting, on the floor, lies.

A painting of the lost wife


across the wall hangs a dress

purple, blue, and red

with a crown-like head-dress

looking bright as heaven against the old cream colored wall

black marks from the pen swirled about the breast of the beautiful dress

standing out above it all

a way to hold her before saying goodbye; a drawing

on the wall

a drawing.


In the kitchen sits a mess

gray and white mounds across the tiled floor

covering the rest

of the once perfect kitchen

silver tools cover the shiny, black stove top

blueprints and sketches stuck to the gleaming, red refrigerator

plastic over the white island and counter top

rising up from the center of the island, a mountain of white-gray

greater than the rest

rising up to form a figure of beauty, a beauty of clay

A slim body from thighs to head, and a smile

a work from memory, a sculpture


In the bedroom, sits a wooden desk and a bed

the desk full of and covered in the final work of an author

the first page read:

"To My Love, For Always Being Here For Me".

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