Lindsay and the Broken Pocket Watch: Part 2

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(I'm a reflective person, and usually that's a good thing, but sometimes.... not so much....)


Lindsay and the Broken Pocket Watch

Part 2

tick tock

time unravels, reravels, the same, a game

Lindsay's pocket watch

broken again


I don't know how to stop going back

I look over my shoulder at

the past, and the good it lacked

my mind is all out of whack

stop looking back!

don't dwell on the past, or evil thoughts will attack.


knick knack

toys toying with my mind.

tic tacs

push the refresh button, wait there's no such thing, I remind.

tick tock

no time left on the clock

to correct the mistakes.


maybe I'll cut off my mind,

leap over the cliff and jump neck first into the lake.

I will, I won't, I will, I won't.

do I break?

will suicide be my final mistake?


or will I just stop looking back

and look forward

stop fretting on past tense

and look to the future world


can't I decide?

live in the moment

or stay behind....

-La La Cat

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