Crushing November//Silence Is The Way To Go In Love And War

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It all started in early November
And now my old heart
Will be dead by the end of December.


You said hello with a smile.
Lips moving softly
And I knew

You brushed back your hair.
Hand against cheek
And I knew

You spoke those first words.
Pleased but shy
And I knew

Everything you said
I felt as though was already in my head.
And I knew

You sighed whenever I looked away.
Unsure but brave
And I knew

I said it was not goodbye.
"I'll see you again"
And I knew

You agreed to speak those words again.
Later, you would.
And I knew

And even now
as you stay separate from me,
I still feel the pull
that you don't see.

Just as, then, you were unaware
Of the way your words struck me,
And I knew.

I realized I needed you
And I knew

I knew that it was love.

Never before had I felt it so fast,
and, again, I knew

That it could never be.

Because you love her and never me.

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