Truth Be Told (LGBT)

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Truth Be Told (LGBT)


what will you do?

what will you say?

would you let me stay?

or push me away?

what would happen if I took off the mask

let you see

let you bask

in the reality

of the real me?

would you take me as I am?

with open arms

a kind smile

not to harm...

would you turn away your face

in shock; disgrace?

what would you do?

what would you say?

if today I told you I'm gay

would you throw in a bible and lock the door?

would your tears fall to the floor?

would you feel shame and ask me to hide?

would you not understand how or why

I can't just love a guy?

would you mock me?

would you laugh?

would you just cry with not a question asked?

would you still love the girl you held in her childhood?

would you still love the girl you named?

would you still hold close the girl you made?

or would you feel ashamed...

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