Goodbye and Hello

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  • Dedicated to Kenzie

Goodbye and Hello

the hardest road

longest path

heaviest load

the trail of a trial told

the hardest part

something current,

something old

saying goodbye

is the longest, hardest road

we will look back on the wisdom you gave

the friendships we made

the talent you gave

the memories we'll save

and know that all though you had to walk away

you were brave

your soul is the strongest of many; of all

you walk over clouds

never fall

we treasured your gifts; your greatness

but away, you must go

time has no patience

it is time for you to go find bluer skies

new horizons,

new sunrise

from here, you depart

and we wave goodbye with heavy hearts

but try to stifle our tears

and let you fly

we promise we'll try

to keep on, and not ask why

but pardon us a moment

if we cry

just remember that whenever you see a moon in the sky

we are looking at the same one too

and we'll let it remind us of you

now go find your new beginning

of safety; of comfort

and freedoms that had you not here 

from shackles holding you back in fear.

find a place where you feel free

and they all can see

how amazing you are,

near and far.

and we'll be singing

thinking of the guidance you gave

and on the other side of the sunrise,

we'll be.

waving to you and watching over

as we grow older

always at your side and in your heart,

even when it seems like we're not,

we're never apart.

watching over you

just as you had watched over us for so long

now we'll all have to sing a new song

but the the remnants of you will still cling to the core of every note,

every melody, harmony, rhyme

and we'll reminisce the good times.

embracing the new,

 but never losing our grasp on the old

every story retold and retold.

goodbye, friend

goodbye to the things we used to know

goodbye to the days after the bell rang

goodbye to the music, the show

goodbye to the times we stayed far past 3:30 and had to wait for our rides home in the cold

goodbye to you, Ms. President

It's hard to see you go.

hello, friend

hello to the new memories we can all make

hello to the new ideas we'll create

hello to the struggles we'll indure to make this work

hello to the get-togethers we'll plan just to see you

goodbye to the old

and hello to the new

no matter the miles

us will always include you.

personally, I have not known you for long.

but I want you to know

that although

that is true,

you've inspired me to be someone like you.

you pushed me forward, out of my comfort zone

although I protested and tried not to budge

you made me see something new

 without my meaning to

so I thank you for making me want to try to be better.

I also want to take a moment in this rhyme

to thank you for all the times

you inspired us all.

you are a born leader, and a friend

brave and strong-willed,

intelligent with a heart-filled.

so on behalf of us all

I say goodbye and hello.

we're always here if you need us,

wherever you go.

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