Three Girls

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Three Girls

there were three

three to make me rack my mind.

for an answer to see,

another way to try to make life rhyme.

keep me wondering, guessing

and maybe I'll solve our problems this time.


there were three

three girls to make me lose my mind


girl #1

the first with hair of oceans' blues,

strands of green

and eyes of autumn hues

a smile of highlights

brighter than spotlights

humorous manner and a caring heart

the joys of the days' life

my other part

of my heart


I listened for her light laughter

I waited for her to see me true

everything else to the back burner


I listened for her to tell me her doubts, and hopes too

I moved to raise her up

to never let her down


until a mistake, I did make

all the wrong words passing my lips

I fell into chaos,

I trip


and later, as I began to find myself, she abruptly left my soul in two

as she walked away that day

not feeling the same way


my first love broke my heart

and now, forever, we will be apart.

yet, she, I will always forgive,

never forget,

and wish the best

but will never have as my own.


girl #2

tall and thin

energetic with a grin

lips like tulips and hair of brown feathers

I let her in, no matter the weather


we went from one to two

hands intertwined, and happiness anew

hearts beating to their own love song

planning to live life together forever, for long


half a kiss on the corner of your lips

jokes on your tongue, on my tongue

we'll trace fingertips

and stay in the perfection, to us, life swung

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