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Allaah, Exalted and Glorified be He, says:

" And verily, We have sent among every Ummah (community, nation) a Messenger (proclaiming): 'Worship Allah (Alone), and avoid (or keep away from) Taghut (all false deities, etc. i.e. do not worship Taghut besides Allah).'  "  (Quran: An Nahl: 36)


Keywords and Phrases:

Messenger: The prophet to whom a divine law has been revealed and whom Allaah commanded to impart it to people.

Worship Allaah: To devote all acts of worship solely to Him

Taghut (False Deities): This term refers to false objects of worship including any person accepting to be adored besides Allaah

General Meaning of the Quranic verse:

According to this Quranic verse, almighty Allaah sent messengers for every nation and generation inviting them to solely worship Him and avoid deifying false deities. For this very ultimate goal did Allaah dispatch messengers, since polytheism first originated at the time of Nuh (peace be upon him) until the finality of prophethood through the advent of Muhammad (peace be upon him) 

Relevance of the Quranic verse to the chapter:

The verse expounds (explains) that the mission of all prophets and their followers is to call people to believe in one God and prohibit them from committing any act of polytheism.

Lessons Drawn from the Quranic Verse:

>> The divine wisdom behind dispatching messengers is to invite people to monotheism and prohibit them from the perpetration (commiting) of acts entailing polytheism

>> Though they are of various legislations, all messengers call for one common religion, which is consisted in devoting all acts of worship solely to Allaah and associating no partner with Him.

>> Divine message has pervaded (spread) in all nations and Allaah's proof was established on all so that no one may be excused on the day of resurrection.

>> The significance of monotheism, which is held incumbent upon all nations.

>> The Quranic verse implied the same meaning expressed in the two testification of faith (testifying that there is no deity but Allaah, and that Muhammad is the messenger of Allaah). In addition to negating the validity of worshiping any false deity, it proved Allaah as the sole God. Therefore, perfect monotheism should combine both disapproval of all false deities and absolute approval of Allaah's divinity.


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