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Ubadah Ibnus- samit (may Allaah be pleased with him) narrated that the prophet (salallahu alaihi wasallam) said:

"Whoever testifies that none has the right to be worshiped but Allaah alone who has no partners, and that Muhammad is His servant and His messenger, and that Jesus is Allah's servant and His messenger, His word which He bestowed on Mary and a spirit (created at a command) from Him, and that paradise is true, and Hell is true, Allaah will admit him into paradise with the deeds which he had done (even if those deeds are few)"


'Ubadah Ibnus Samit (the Narrator):

The full name of Ubadah is 'Ubadah Ibnus Samit ibn qays al ansari al khazraji. He was one of the prominent chieftains who witnessed Al-Aqabah pledge. He is reckoned (counted) among the people of Badr and died in 34 A.H. at the age of 72.

Keywords and Phrases:

To testify that none has the right to be worshiped but Allaah: This is the testification of faith, which a muslim must verbally proclaim, fully comprehend and further act according to its requirements.

Messenger: One that carries a divine message

Allaah's servant and messenger: It is unlike the christians' belief, which proclaims that Jesus is God or son of God or one of three hypostates.

His word: Jesus (alaihisalam) was created by a  divine decree expressed in a divine word.

That He bestowed on Mary: Allaah sent Gabriel with His word to breathe his spirit into mary. Jesus was, therefore, created by Allaah's divine will.

Spirit: Jesus is called the spirit of Allaah as he is one of the souls created by Allaah

From Him: It means that Jesus (alaihissalam) was created by Allaah. His creation is like the creation of heavens and the earth as expressed in Allaah's saying, "And He has subjected to you whatever is in the  heavens and whatever is on earth - all from Him." (Quran: Al-Jathiyah: 13)

Paradise is true, and Hell is true: The testification of faith should include the muslims' unrelenting belief that paradise and the hellfire exist according to the instructions of ever-glorious Qur'an

Allaah will admit him into paradise with the deeds which he had done (even if those deeds are few): This phrase may be differently interpreted:

1. Allaah will admit each monotheist into paradise regardless of the sins he commits, for monotheists will inevitably enter paradise.

2. Allaah will admit him into a grade of paradise proportionate to the good and righteous deeds he offered.

Related by Al-Bukhari and Muslim: It means that the aforementioned hadith was compiled by Al-Bukhari and Muslim in their books, which are regarded as the most authentic compilations of hadith.

General meaning of the hadith:

while expounding (explaining) the virtue of monotheism and its importance, the prophet (salallahu alaihi wasallam) shed light on the prerequisites a muslim should fulfill in order to be admitted into paradise. A muslim must, therefore, proclaim the testification of faith, comprehend its meaning and act according to its apparent and inward requirements. He must, further, avoid excessive or inadequate belief in the nature of the two venerable prophets, Jesus and Muhammad  (salallahu alaihi wasallam). They must, thus, be assumed as messengers and human servants of Allaah. Similarly, a muslim must believe that paradise and the hellfire undoubtedly exist. The one who fulfills all such requirements, according to the hadith, will be  admitted to paradise whatever sins he might have committed.

Relevance of the Hadith to the chapter:

This hadith illustrates the merit of monotheism that ultimately leads the believer to enter paradise and expiates his sins.

Lessons drawn from the hadith:

>> The merit of monotheism, which is a cause of expiating one's sins

>> It proves the infinite grace and beneficence of Allaah, exalted be He.

>> A muslim must not excessively or inadequately venerate (honor) Allaah's prophets and righteous people. A muslim must not be ungrateful to them. Similarly, he must not be excessively devoted to them by associating them with Allaah as some ignorant and deviant people do.

>> Islamic monotheism is contrary to all polytheistic doctrines of the jews, christians, idolators, and atheists.

>> Wrongdoers among the monotheists will not abide in the Hellfire for eternity.

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