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Jabir Ibn abdullah (May Allaah be pleased with him) narrated that the prophet (ﷺ ) said:

"He who meets Allaah without associating anything with Him will enter paradise and he who meets Him associating (anything) with Him will enter the hellfire" (Related by Muslim and Ahmed)


Jabar Ibn Abdullah (the narrator)

His full name is Jabir Ibn Abdullah Amr ibn hiram al-ansari as-sulami. He is one of the venerable (honorable) companions of the prophet. His father was also a companion. He narrated many hadiths from the prophet (ﷺ ). He died after 70 AH at the age of 94; may Allaah be pleased with him.

Keywords and Phrases:

Meet Allaah: It means to pass away

Anything: It is a general word to include the prohibition of acts entailing both minor and major polytheism.

General Meaning of the Hadith:

The prophet (ﷺ ) declares that whoever dies while adopting monotheism (tawheed) will definitely be admitted into paradise. If he persistently commits a major sin and dies without offering repentance, he will be referred to Allaah's divine will. He may be forgiven and thus permitted to enter paradise or be admitted to hellfire for a limited period of time before entering paradise.

If a man, on the other hand, dies while retaining any act or conviction of major polytheism, he will never be admitted into paradise. Allaah will, moreover, have no mercy on him and he will be cast into the hellfire and abide therein for eternity. But if he dies while perpetrating (committing) an act of minor polytheism, he will enter the hellfire for a limited period of time.

Relevance of the Hadith to the chapter

The hadith warns muslims against all kinds of polytheism, and urges them to keep away from such grave sins.

Lessons drawn from the hadith:

>>One must be overly afraid of committing any act of polytheism (shirk), since salvation from the hellfire is contingent (dependent) on the abandonment of such a grave sin.

>> One's good deeds are not accepted except when being free of any form or act of polytheism.

>> Clarifying the concept of the testification of faith, which implies utter renunciation (rejection) of polytheism and pure worship of one God.

>> Both paradise and hellfire are so close to man, so every human being will fully realize his destination upon the end of his life.

>> The hadith affirms the virtues of those who are safeguarded against polytheism.

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