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The prophet (ﷺ)  is reported to have said:

"He who testifies that there is no deity but Allaah and renounces whatever is worshiped besides Allaah, his property and blood become inviolable, and his account will be with Allaah"

(Related by Muslim and Ahmad)


Keywords and Phrases:

>> His property and blood become inviolable: It means that whoever declares his acceptance of Islam, his property and blood will be secured.

>> And his account will be with Allaah: If anyone declares his acceptance of Islam, his reckoning will be only with Allaah, who will recompense him according to his intention.

General meaning of the hadith:

According to the foregoing hadith, the property and blood of a man will be secured upon the fulfilment of two major requirements:

1. Pronouncing the testification of faith by declaring that there is no deity but Allaah and that muhammad  (ﷺ) is the servant and messenger of Allaah.

2. Renouncing (rejecting) all other false deities which are worshiped besides Allaah.

Once a person fulfills these two requisites, he will be secured with regard to his life and property. As far as his inner belief is concerned, it will be absolutely left to Allaah alone. Therefore, if he is proven to be of firm and sincere belief, Allaah will admit him into the gardens of paradise. Otherwise, if he is a hypocrite, he will be driven to a severe punishment in the hellfire. However, people are judged in this life according to their apparent deeds.

Relevance of the Hadith to the chapter:

This hadith provides a clear definition  of the testification of faith, which necessitates the renunciation (rejection) of all false deities worshipped besides Allaah.

Lessons drawn from the hadith:

>> Declaration of belief in one God implies the renunciation of all other false deities worshiped besides Allaah, such as idols and tombs.

>>If anyone merely testifies that there is no deity but Allaah, understands its meaning and acts accordingly, his blood and property will not be secured unless he declares his renunciation of all false deities worshiped besides Allaah.

>> A mere verbal declaration of belief in one God (i.e. Allaah) and showing apparent adherence to religious ordinances secure man's property and blood until proven otherwise.

>> A Muslim is enjoined to withhold his hands from the disbelievers once they accept Islam, even if they do so while being in a state of war, until the contrary is proven.

>> A man may verbally testify that there is no deity but Allaah without expressing his renunciation of other false deities.

>> People are judged according to their apparent deeds. In the hereafter, they will be judged according to their hidden plans.

>> A Muslim's blood and property are inviolable except for a justifiable reason such as executing a penalty.


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