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Allaah, Exalted be He, says:

"They have taken their scholars and monks as gods besides Allaah, and (also) the messiah, the son of mary. And they were not commanded except to worship one God; there is no deity except Him. Exalted is He above whatever they associate with Him"  (Qur'an: At-Tawbah: 31)


Keywords and Phrases:

>>They have taken their scholars and monks as gods: The jews and the christians regards their scholars and monks as the legislators who assign what is lawful and what is prohibited. Allaah, Glorified be He, is the absolute lawgiver, and therefore, if anyone submits himself to the legislation of a human, he is regarded as taking a false deity besides Allaah.

>>And (also) the messiah, the son of mary: The christians have taken jesus as a god besides Allaah.

General Meaning of the Quranic verse:

The jews and the christians sought the advice of their scholars and monks and obeyed them in legalizing what Allaah made unlawful and prohibiting what He made lawful. They, therefore, set their scholars and monks as gods besides Allaah. The christians, moreover, worshipped jesus and alleged that he was the son of God. Consequently, they disregarded the divine scripture through which they were commanded to submit to Allaah alone. Thus, Allaah disapproves of their practices and declares himself far above them.

Relevance of the Quranic verse to the chapter:

The verse clarifies the meaning of both monotheism and the testification of faith. Monotheism and the testification of faith necessitate that Allaah is to be obeyed by following what He has made lawful and avoiding what He has prohibited. Whoever obeys a person or submits himself to a law, which violated Allaah's prohibitions, is regarded as a polytheist.

 Lessons drawn from the Quranic verse:

>> Submission to the will of Allaah with regard to His obligation and prohibitions is one of the implications of monotheism and sincere testification of faith

>>Obeying anyone in making lawful what Allaah made prohibited or phohibitting what Allaah made lawful, is a form of polytheism.

>>The Quranic verse refutes the christian beleif that jesus is god, and affirms that he is the servant of Allaah.

>>Allaah is far above having an associate or a partner.


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