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Imran ibn husayn (may Allaah be pleased with him) narrated:

"The messenger of Allaah (ﷺ) saw a man wearing a bracelet of brass in his hand. Thereupon, the prophet  (ﷺ) said to him, 'what is this bracelet for?' The man replied, 'It is because of Al-wahinah (a vein that causes pain in the shoulder and the hand).' Thereupon, the prophet  (ﷺ)   said, 'Take if off, for it will only increase your pain, and if you die while wearing it, you will never succeed".

(Related by Ahmad with an acceptable chain of transmission)


Imran ibn husayn

The full name of the narrator is Imran ibn husayn ibn ubayd ibn khalaf Al-khuza'i. He and his father were companions of the prophet  (ﷺ). He embraced Islam in the year of the battle of khaybar and died in 52 AH in basra; may Allaah be pleased with him.

General Meaning of the hadith:

Imran ibn husayn (may Allaah be pleased with him) narrates on of the incidents of the prophet who used to fight against polytheism. Imran mentioned that the prophet  (ﷺ) saw a man wearing a bracelet of brass in his hand. Thereupon, the prophet  (ﷺ) asked why he wore it. The man replied that he did so to remove the pain in his hands. Thereupon, the prophet  (ﷺ) commanded him to take it off immediately, and he  (ﷺ) justified his order by explaining to the man that such a bracelet would not remove the pain, but it would increase it. The prophet  (ﷺ) further added that in case man died while wearing such a bracelet, he would never prosper in the hereafter.

Relevance of the hadith to the chapter:

The hadith proves the prohibition of wearing rings for the sake of removing a tribulation. Such an act is a form of polytheism, which contradicts true belief.

Lessons drawn from the hadith:

>>Wearing bracelets and the like for the sake of being safeguarded against diseases is regarded as an act of polytheism.

>> It is forbidden to use any prohibited material as a treatment.

>> It is obligatory for the Muslim to deny the evil and teach the ignorant.

>> Polytheism has bad consequences both in this life and in the hereafter.

>> A mufti (Muslim scholar qualified in issuing legal rulings) must perceive the issue in detail before delivering his verdict. He should also take major objectives of the shari'ah (Islamic law) into account before giving his legal ruling.

>> Minor polytheism is at the top of the major sins.

>> Falling into polytheism out of ignorance is by no means excused.

>> People must strictly oppose the one who commits any act of polytheism so as to make people abhor (hate) such practice.


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