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Allah, Exalted be He, says:

"Worship Allah and join none with Him in worship..." (Quran: An-Nisa: 36)


Keywords and Phrases

Associate nothing: Beware of polytheism, which means associating partners with Allaah by means of ascribing to them what exclusively pertains to Allaah.

General Meaning of the Quranic verse:

In this Quranic verse almighty Allaah commands His servants to devote all acts of worship solely to Him. Allaah does not specifically enjoin a certain act of worship such as supplication or prayer; this is to generally include all devotional acts. Likewise, almighty Allaah generally warns us against all forms and acts of polytheism. Therefore, He does not specifically prohibit certain acts or deeds of polytheism.

Relevance of the Quranic verse to the chapter:

The verse is prefaced by a divine decree, which enjoins monotheism and forbids any form or act of polytheism. Thus, the verse defines monotheism as devoting all acts of worship solely to Allaah and associating nothing with Him.

Lessons drawn from the Quranic verse:

>>The obligation of devoting all  acts of worship exclusively to Allaah alone, since such a command is given top priority according to Quranic verse. Therefore, worshiping one God (i.e. Allaah) is the most assured obligatory ordinance.

>> The prohibition of ascribing partners to Allaah, as it is gravest and most abominable (hateful) sin.

>>Avoidance of all forms and acts of polytheism is a prerequisite (prior condition) for the validity of man's devotion to Allaah. So, Allaah espoused (adopted) enjoinment of devotion and the prohibition of polytheism.

 >> All types of polytheism, according to the arabic context of the Quranic verse, are categorically prohibited whether minor or major.

>>The impermissiblity of associating any partner with Allaah, whether an angel, a prophet, a righteous person or an idol.

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