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Acts of polytheism: Wearing rings for removing affliction and the like

Allaah, Exalted be He, says:

"Say, 'Then have you considered what you invoke besides Allaah? If Allaah intended me harm, are they removers of His harm? or if He intended me mercy, are they withholders of His mercy?' say, 'Sufficient for me is Allaah; upon Him [alone] rely the [wise] reliers.' "

(Qur'an: Az-zumar: 38)


Relevance of this chapter to the book of tawhid:

The present chapter refers to an act, which is regarded as one of the forms of polytheism. It is trying to remove or avert afflictions and tribulations by doing acts of polytheism.


Keywords and phrases:

>> What you invoke: It refers to all false deities which may be invoked for the sake of deriving benefit or averting harm.

>> Harm: It is a comprehensive word, which includes all types of afflictions such as diseases, poverty and distress.

>> Mercy: It is also a comprehensive term, which includes good health, comfortable life, etc.

General Meaning of the Qur'anic verse:

Allaah commands His prophet (ﷺ) to ask the polytheists if their idols can benefit or harm, to force them to acknowledge the disability of their false deities. By asking them such a question, the prophet (ﷺ) caused their argument to fall into pieces.

Relevance of the verse to the chapter:

The verse is a proof of the invalidity of polytheism and all acts revealing polytheism such as wearing rings or strings.

Lessons drawn from the Qur'anic verse:

>> The invalidty of polytheism, for whatever is worshipped besides Allaah is absolutely incapable of doing benefit or causing harm.

>> Wearing rings, strings or their like for the sake of deriving benefit or averting harm, is strongly denounced. Such acts of polytheism are similar to idolatory.

>> It is permissible to encounter the polytheism in polemical confrontations for refuting their false doctrines.

>> The obligation of relying entirely upon Allaah and trusting Him.


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