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Ibn Mas'ud (May Allaah be pleased with him) narrated that the messenger (ﷺ ) said:

"Whoever dies while still invoking anything other than Allaah as an equal will enter the Hellfire"

(Related by Al-Bukhari)


General Meaning of the hadith:

The prophet  (ﷺ ) states that if the person sets a prophet or any false deity or object as a rival to Allaah either by invoking or imploring such a false deity for assistance and remains so until he dies, he will be doomed to the hellfire. Setting a rival to Allaah has two forms:

a) To associate a partner with Allaah with regard to the devotional acts. This is regarded as an act of major polytheism, which entails eternal chastisement in the Hellfire.

b) Any act of minor polytheism such as making Allaah equal to human beings in words like, "When Allaah wills and you will" or "It is only made for Allaah's sake and yours." Offering good deeds for the sake of pretentious display (Riya) is also regarded as an act of minor polytheism, which does not necessarily lead its perpetrator (doer) to abide eternally in the hellfire.

Relevance of the Hadith to the chapter:

Muslims, according to this hadith are warned against any act or form of major or minor polytheism by means of expounding (explaining) its grave consequences.

Lessons drawn from the hadith:

>> This hadith warns Muslims against all acts and forms of polytheism and advises them to turn to Allaah in repentance.

>> Invoking a prophet or a friend of Allaah whether alive or dead, and seeking the blessings of stone or a tree are regarded as acts of polytheism.

>> Polytheism is only expiated by repentance.


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