My mommy and daddy

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Jacob W: headspace of 2 year old
Mahogany: mommy
Cameron: daddy

Jacob W's pov

"Good morning baby. Did you sleep well?" Daddy asked while picking me up. I just nodded since I was still tired. "Are you wet?" I again nodded but this time from embarrassment. I'm still not used to being changed just yet. "Here's your stuffed lion play with him." Daddy handed me my lion. His name is Rex which means king in Latin. He's big too. Mommy says he's as big as me. Daddy says I'm bigger than him. I love him though he's my favorite stuffy. "There all done. Let's go see what mommy cooked for breakfast." I was lifted again then put on my feet. I ran down to the kitchen where mommy was. "Hi baby. Did you sleep well?" "Yes mommy." "Good. Mommy made pancakes and bacon. Maybe after breakfast we can go to the park is that ok?" "Yes." I crawled into my chair and waited for mommy to place my food in front of me. "Don't eat fast or you'll get a tummy ache." Daddy reminded me. I nodded and played with Rex. "I see Rex decided to join us today. I hope I made enough for all four of us." "It's otay mommy Rex only eats plants." "Oh. That's good that he's eating healthier than you." I giggled and ate my breakfast. I finished before mommy but after daddy. "Let's get your teeth brushed and get you dressed." I got out of my seat and went to the bathroom with daddy. He gave me my toothbrush with toothpaste on it. I waited for him to start brushing his teeth so I can copy him. I always do that. It's really fun. Once we finished I followed daddy to his room where my clothes were. We both got dressed and went to mommy. She was already dressed so she was waiting on us. I sat next to her and let her put my shoes on. "Now out to the car. All of you." Mommy said in her military voice. I marched to the car trying not to giggle. "Your rude is here sir." Daddy said opening the door and putting me in my car seat. "Tank you." "You're welcome sir." He closed the door and I buckled myself in. "Where to today sir?" Mommy asked. "The park." Mommy nodded then started the car. As mommy pulled away from the house Treat You Better by uncle Shawnie came on. Shawnie is mommy and daddy's friend and my uncle. I got really excited. "Seems like someone's is excited to hear uncle Shawn's song." Daddy laughed. I just smiled and giggled. We reached the park as soon as the song ended. "Remember bud no hitting, biting, scratching, pushing, or kicking ok?" Daddy asked. "Yes daddy." I was let out of the car and ran to the slide. There's other babies like me here too. I didn't play with any of them though. They're nasty. I played for a while then looked over at mommy and daddy. They were holding another baby. Daddy made it laugh and mommy rubbed it's tummy. I don't like that. I got off the swings and marched over to them. "No dats my mommy an daddy!" I yelled at the baby. It started to cry. I didn't care it was stealing my mommy and daddy from me. "Jacob that's not nice at all." Mommy said disappointed in me. She's hugged the baby close to her chest. "Why did you do that Jacob?" Daddy asked. "He steal you away from me." I whimpered then started to cry. "Oh no baby. Don't cry." Mommy cooed. "I bad boy." "No baby you aren't you just had a bad moment. It's ok." Daddy picked me up. "This is Sam. He's gonna be your new brother. Be nice ok?" Mommy said showing me his face. He was scared to look at me but finally looked. "I sowwy Sammy. I no mean to be mean to you." He just grunted and held onto mommy. "He's still a baby Jacob. He can't talk yet." Daddy chuckled. I made a oh face and snuggled into him. "One happy family." Daddy smiled.

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