Jealous baby

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Hunter: 4 year old headspace
Brandon: 3 year old headspace
Ashton: 1 year old headspace
Aaron: daddy, dada
Shawn: mommy, mama

Aaron's pov
"Get back here Hunter. I need to put pants on you." Shawn called running past Brandon's room chasing after Hunter. "Daddy me pway too?" I sighed and shook my head. "They aren't playing baby. Hunter is being bad so mommy has to catch him." I put a shirt on Brandon and set him down. "I pway wit toys." I nodded and took him to his and Hunter's play room. I went to Ashton's room to see he was wide awake and ready to start trouble. "Hey baby." He smiled at me and raised his hands. "Dada. Dada. Dada." I picked him up and quickly changed his diaper. One more year in diapers then it's pull-ups. I put better clothes on him then carried him to the play room. "Come on Brandon." Brandon attached himself to my leg and I walked to the kitchen and put them in their high chairs. Once I finished Hunter ran straight into my arms. "Gotcha. Let's get you some pants on." I carried him to his room and put pants on him. "There now go eat." "No!" I lightly tapped his butt. It wasn't soft enough to where he can't feel it but it wasn't to hard either. "Go. Now." He ran downstairs and sat in his chair pouting. Ugh he has an attitude today. "Thank you babe." Shawn said kissing me. "No problem baby." I took him downstairs and put breakfast in front of everyone. I sat down next to Ashton and ate feeding him every so often when he wants more. "Hunter you get a 10 minute time out after breakfast ok?" "No! You're dumb." He got up s hand walked away. I love him so much that it hurts to punish him. I got up and went after him. I found him pouting on his bed. "I see someone is a little on the grumpy side today. What's wrong baby? Talk to daddy." "Ashy and Brando get more love then me. I don't like it." "No they don't baby. Everyone gets the same love." He's jealous of them. I didn't even know it. Maybe we do love on the others more but we don't try to. I guess it's because they're younger than him and he is potty trained. I need to tell Shawn. "I'm sorry daddy." "It's ok baby you just have to sit in time out for 5 minutes ok?" "Ok daddy." I put him in a corner in the living room and started the timer. I went to Shawn and saw he was cleaning up. "Is he in timeout?" "Yeah he is after I talked to him." "What happened?" "He's jealous because we give Ashton and Brandon a little more time than him." "Awww my baby. I never want him to think that. I want him to feel loved." Shawn finished cleaning and went to Hunter taking him out of the corner. He squeezed Hunter tight. "Mommy and daddy love you so much Hunter. Don't ever forget that ok?" "Ok mommy." Shawn smiled at him then at me. I found Brandon attached to my leg and Ashton sitting on the ground. "Hey babes." Now this is a happy family.

Ageplay imaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora