Bean loses paci

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Corbyn- headspace 2
Jonah- daddy
Jack- Bubba (headspace of 4)
Zach- papa
Daniel- dada

Jonah's pov

It's a peaceful Saturday morning. Like all Saturday mornings Daniel is cooking breakfast. Zach is outside getting fresh air. Jack is watching cartoons in the living room. I'm scrolling through social media waiting for our youngest baby, Corbyn to wake up. "Daddy." Jack spoke walking up to me. "Yes love?" I say putting my phone down. "Can I come with you to wake up bean?" His eyes were big and his curls flopping every direction. "Sure. I don't see why you can't." He squealed and jumped making his curls fly up then lay back down. Daniel chuckled. "He should be up any minute babe." As soon as Daniel finished his sentence a loud heart wrenching almost scream came from upstairs. I quickly got up and ran to the nursery. Jack was right behind me. Corbyn was standing in his crib pulling at his hair in distress. "What's wrong baby?" I picked him up and rocked him. He basically screamed into my chest. Jack frowned. "Bean. What's wrong?" "P-p-p" Corbyn couldn't get the word out but jack new what he was saying and went to searching. "Shh. Your gonna make yourself sick bean. It's gonna be ok. We're gonna find it." I took Corbyn downstairs and handed him to a very worried Zach. I didn't want to say what was wrong with him out loud so I mouthed it. 'His paci is missing.' Daniel's eyes went wide. I ran up the stairs to help Jack look for it. "Daddy I don't see it." Jack was inside the toy box. I pulled him out carefully. "Keep looking ok?" Jack nodded and started searching everywhere he could. I unmade Corbyn's Crum taking off the comforter, sheets and pillows. Nothing. I took off the bed cover. Nothing. I removed the mattress. Damnit nothing again. I fixed his bed again and started moving things. We need to find his paci or we're gonna have a fussy baby in our hands until we do. I sighed as Jack told me he didn't find anything either. "Ok well let's go get breakfast and then come back and look." I picked Jack up and walked downstairs. Zach was feeding Corbyn as Daniel fixed Jack's plate. "Any luck?" Daniel whispered into my ear. "Nope." Jack sat down and ate. I followed after. Corbyn was calm. Maybe he forgot about it. Once I finished my breakfast I switched off with Zach and played with Corbyn. "Hey bean. How ya doing?" "Want paci Daddy." "O-ok." Shit. I picked him up and looked around. "Let's go to the backyard bud." I took him outside and sat him in the sandbox. "No. Want paci." Tears formed in his eyes again. "I know baby. We're gonna get it for you." He pushed the sand out his way. He stood up and looked at me. I sighed and picked him up. Please find his paci guys. I walked inside and sat him in the playroom. I grabbed the extra paci and gave it to him. "No. I want mine!" "We're looking baby. Just take this one until we find it." He huffed and took it. I went to the play pin in the living room and looked in there. Nothing. "Anything yet?" I turned and say Daniel looking at me. "No. I'm assuming you haven't either." "Nope." I went into the kitchen and started looking. Where could that damn thing be. I heard a loud cry come from the playroom. "I got it." Daniel ran up. I went with him. "Shh. Bean it's ok." Daniel walked out with Corbyn. It's almost nap time. We need to find it. Kid screams could be heard from Corbyn's room. Daniel many be changing him. I moved everything in the playroom. Where could it be? I looked at the drawing desk and saw something shining. Could it be? I moved the drawing desk and behold. The beloved paci. I quickly grabbed and washed it off. I ran to the nursery. Daniel, Zach and Jack were huddled around Corbyn trying to make him smile. "Hey baby boy. Daddy got something for you." Corbyn sat up as everyone moved away. "Here you go bud." I handed him his paci. He quickly latched onto the paci. So content and quite. The baby everyone loves. He yawned a little and made grabby hands at me. I picked him up and went over to the rocking chair. I sat down and rocked him slowly. All that crying had to tire him out. Within seconds he was out. I kissed his head and laid him in his crib. Soundly asleep. I walked out quietly and went to the playroom. It was already fixed. I walked to Jack's room and saw him sleeping. I went to mine, Daniel and Zach's room and saw Daniel and Zach cuddling. I laid on the other side of Zach and brought ten closer to me. I hope we never lose his paci again.

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