Jonah no like storms

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Zach: daddy
Jonah: headspace of 3

Zach's pov

It's been a rough week for me and my baby boy. We've had to record, practice for tour, and write new songs all in one week. Jonah is stressed out. He hasn't been able to slip into his headspace all week. We just got home from recording and it's not late but it looks like it. It's only 6pm they let us off early since we worked so hard this week. I looked at Jonah and tried to pick him up. He pushed my hands away. "What's keeping you from slipping baby?" He looked down. He played with his fingers. "Look at daddy when he's talking to you." I lifted his face up. Tears were running down his face like a water fall. "Jonah? What's wrong buddy?" He collapsed in my arms. "Storm daddy. Jonah no like storms. He try be big boy but but but I scared daddy." He was a sobbing mess. At least he slipped though. He hates storms inside and out of his headspace. I don't know why though. I picked him up and brought him to his room. "Shhh baby. Daddy's right here. The storm isn't going to hurt you. Daddy's gonna protect you." I changed him into a pull-up some sweats and one of my hoodies. He's not a fan of baby clothes anymore. He's 3 so he's a big boy now in his words."Daddy it's scary." He sobbed trying to cling to me. I pulled him into my chest as I fixed his clothes to make sure they were on right. "It's ok baby. Daddy's got you. Hey I know what will make you feel better." He looked at me. "Paci?" "Do you want it?" He nodded. That's not what I was thinking but if it makes him happy. I picked him up and carried him to my room. "Close your eyes." He closed them. I don't like him knowing where his paci is because he'd try to get it when I take it away. I grab it from my night stand draw. "Here you go baby." He quickly grabbed it and popped it in his mouth. "Hank ou abby." He snuggled into my chest. He's so adorable. "Do you want to hear daddy's idea?" He nodded and looked at me. "Ok. Daddy was thinking we sing with his guitar." "Cuwle abby inthead?" He's so cute. I smiled and kissed his head. "Ok I'll cuddle you instead." I laid back on my bed and had him lay on my chest. He fell asleep quickly as a rubbed his back. "Daddy loves you baby. He loves you so much." I kissed his head and turned out the lights. Storms aren't so bad.

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