
911 21 4

Jack- 1 year old headspace
Daniel- daddy/dada

Warning: all the feels (hopefully)

Daniel's pov

Living with your best friend and boyfriend is probably the most amazing thing ever. Except when they have bad anxiety and never told you about it so you walk in on them having a terrible anxiety attack and have to rush them to the hospital. That's what happened to me and my lovely boyfriend, who is also my best friend, Jack. It's been about 3 months since then and we've been doing this thing to help ease his anxiety. It's called ageplay. He loves it and I do too. He's my sweet little baby and I'm his forever caring daddy. It was the doctor's idea since Jack didn't wanna take any pills. It works wonders. It keeps him happy and that's my goal in life. I slowly crept into his room with a big smile on my face. He was sound asleep. His curls were everywhere. He was making grabby hands at the sheets in his sleep. "Dada." I smiled more if even possible. He's dreaming of me. I slowly let the crib bar down and sit next to his feet. I rub his back softly and whisper, "Jacky baby. Wake up." He rolled into his back and yawned. "Good morning my little prince. Did you sleep well?" "Daddy." "You dreamt of daddy?" He giggled and nodded. "Yes." I smiled and helped him sit up. "Are you wet pumpkin?" He buried his head in my shoulder. I rubbed his back and picked him up. "Let's get you changed so you don't have a nasty rash." He played with my hair as I carried him to the changing table. Once I softly laid him down and started babbling. "What are you talking about mister? Say? Are you trying to have conversation with daddy?" He just giggled and squealed. "Go on. Daddy's listening." As he "talked to me" I quickly got him changed. "No way! That's amazing." "I agree I like that too." I picked him up and slightly tossed him in the air then put him on my hip. "How about we go get some breakfast baby." He laid his head on my shoulder and mumbled a yes. "What does my prince want for breakfast today? Does he want oatmeal?" He scrunched up his face which made me laugh. "Ok how about pancakes?" He shook his head no. "Tough baby today I see. Ok what about cereal?" He shook his head and wiggles around in my arms. I set him down and watched him waddle/run to the fridge. "Ok so it's in the fridge." He nodded. I opened up the fridge. "What's in here baby?" "Yo-go." I chuckled at the name for yogurt. "You want yogurt baby?" He nodded and pointed to some pineapples. "You want pineapples too?" He nodded. I scrunched face as I got out the yogurt and pineapples. "That's a weird combination baby boy but if it makes you happy." I put him in his high chair and brought over his food. I neatly placed his food down and placed a bib around his neck. "Here's your spoon or do you want daddy to do it?" He pointed to himself "daddy." "You'll do it?" He nodded. "Ok no messy ok?" He nodded again with his tongue hanging out. I handed him his spoon and kissed his head as I went to pick out what I wanted for breakfast. I just grabbed a yogurt myself and sat at the table watching him get yogurt all over his mouth. I chuckled a little as he scraped it off with the spoon. "All some baby?" He smiled while putting his spoon down. "Bye byes." "Yeah all your food go bye byes in your tummy." I wiped his face and gave him his bottle. He looked at me before turning the bottle up and drinking it. I washed off the high chair tray and put our spoons in the dish washer. I heard Jack burp and put his bottle down. "Good boy you drunk all your juice." He smiled and waited to be let out. I slowly lifted him up and put him on my hip. "What do you wanna do today baby?" He snuggled his head into my chest and held onto me tighter. "Cuddles it is." I went to our bedroom for when he's big or just for cuddles and laid on our freshly made bed. He laid on top of me and buried his cheek into my pecks. I played with his curls and rubbed his back. Our normal cuddle position even when he's not in headspace. "Daniel?" "Yes Jack?" "Do you really love me like even when I'm in headspace?" "Of course I do Jack. Why wouldn't I?" "I don't know." I sat up making sure to keep ahold of Jack. "Don't lie to me baby. What's wrong?" "Everyone says you'll leave me because of my ageplay and anxiety. Please don't leave me Daniel. I need you." He started crying into my chest. My heart broke hearing his words. "God no baby. I will never leave you. You're everything to me. The only way I'm happy is if you're happy baby. You make me happy. I could never leave you. No matter what headspace you're in you're still my happiness and nothing and no one could ever change that. Not even you." He sniffed and looked up at me. "I love you Daniel." "I love you too Jack." He kissed me passionately. Once he pulled away I showered his face in kisses. "Daniel! Daniel stop! Daniel! Daddy!" He was laughing the entire time. "Daddy no!" I smiled and pulled him down with me playing with his curls. "Daddy loves you my prince." "Ove daddy oo." I smiled and kissed his head. Soft snores escaped his mouth as I kissed his head. "Sweet dreams baby boy."

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