I'm here for you

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Jack J: 1 year old headspace
Jack G: dada

G's pov

I've been doing ageplay with J for about a year now. Our parents still don't know but everyone in magcon does. That makes it much easier on me and J's life. He can be little in front of them and they'll just go along with it. Today I decided to tell our parents. j said he was ready whenever I was so yesterday after the show we decided today would be the day. Our parents are coming over in about an hour. I'll let J stay in his headspace so they'll know I'm serious. J is sleeping in his cot in my room since his room "scares him" so he says. At night he normally whines and whimpers until I put him next to me to cuddle. It's a bad habit that I'm not willing to break. I'm cleaning the house now since I just put J down for his nap. That gives me an hour to clean and an hour to explain everything to our parents. J doesn't take long naps that much. Only when we've had an early show and don't go anywhere after the show he'll sleep longer. I looked at my phone to see I have 30 minutes until our parents come. I just finished cleaning up all of J's toys. I spoil him a lot so he has many toys. I sat on the couch and watched tv. It's so quite I could nap but I'm not going to. I got up and fixed me some water. I drunk my water. I heard a knock at the door and quickly ran to get it. "Hi mom! Hi dad! Hi Mr. and Mrs. Johnson!" I hugged everyone and let them in. I closed the door and motioned them to the couches. "What's going on G? Why do you need us so urgently?" Mrs. Johnson asked. "I want to tell you guys something about me and Jack." "What is it honey?" Mom asked worried. Well here goes nothing. "Me and Jack do ageplay. It's where one person, Jack, acts like a baby or toddler or sometimes a teenager and they have a caregiver, me, to take care of them. We've been doing this for about a year and thought it's time for you to know." Their faces were in disbelief. "I don't believe you. Prove it." Mr. Johnson said. I sighed and went to my room. "Jacky baby wake up. Your real mommy and daddy are here." He stirred awake then looked at me. "You don't have to be a big boy. Let's go say hi." He slowly rose to his feet and held his hands up. I picked him up and walked back to the living room. I didn't care to put pants on him since I need to change him anyways once they leave. All eyes were on us. J yawned and rubbed his eyes and looked back at everyone else. No words were said for 2 minutes. Then insults were thrown our way. "This is revolting! I didn't rise no baby!" Mr. Johnson was furious. So was everyone else. "G! This is disgusting! Stop it right now!" I ignored my mom. "You sorry excuse of a son! I knew I should've put you up for adoption! You are no longer apart of this family!" With that said J's parents left. He started to softly cry into my neck. I rubbed his back looking at my parents. "Until you realize how wrong this is Jack don't ever come near us again!" My parents stormed out slamming the door which caused J to cry harder. "Shhhh it's ok baby. Dada is here for you no matter what." I took him to his room and laid him in the changing table. I grabbed wipes, his pacifier and, a diaper. I put the pacifier in his mouth and kissed his head. I then proceed to undo his diaper. It was soaked to the brim. I didn't know he could pee so much in one hour. I wiped around his private spot then wiped his private with s new wipe. I removed the soaked diaper from under him and replaced it with a new one. I buckled it onto him and made sure it perfect. I picked him up and rocked him. "Da-da." "Dada's right here baby. He's never leaving you." He smiled his beautiful smile and giggled. "I love you J. Don't ever forget that."

Ageplay imaginesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora