Scared Dani

792 17 3

Daniel: headspace of 1 year old
Jonah: dada/daddy

Jonah's pov

I rolled out of bed hearing the thunder roar outside from the previous lightning strike. I walked into my baby's nursery hearing him whimper from his crib. I turned on the light and saw him gripping the crib bars for dear life. "Oh baby. It's ok daddy's here." I slowly lowered the crib bar and watched him fling himself into my arms. I rubbed his back gently and kissed his head. "It's ok baby. Daddy's got you." I gently stood him up and checked his diaper. He cried at the loss of contact. "Hey baby it's ok. Daddy just has to make sure you aren't wet. We don't wanna get a rash now do we?" He tried to fling himself back in my arms but I held him upright and pulled the back of his diaper out. He was soaked. "Let daddy change you first baby." He cried louder. "Dada!" I frowned. "Let me change you baby. I know you're scared and want daddy but I have to change you." He cried louder. I put him on my hip and grabbed a diaper, wipes, his favorite teddy and his favorite paci. I turned out the light and walked to my room. I put everything down on my bed and looked at Daniel. "Can daddy change you now? If you stay in that diaper any longer you'll get a rash or you'll leak." He just whimpered into my neck. I sighed knowing this was gonna be a fight. I gently laid him down on my bed and lifted his shirt up a little. Screams erupted from my poor baby. "Dada! Dada! Dada!" "I know baby I know. Just let me change you." He screamed louder and pulled at his hair. I quickly untapped his now almost leaking diaper and wiped his area being extra careful not to hurt him. I quickly removed the diaper and replaced it with a fresh one. I sighed and put pillows around him so he wouldn't fall off while I cleaned up. As I threw everything away and washed my hands his cries and screams only got louder. "DADA!" I rushed back into the room to see him on his stomach screaming into my bed. I picked him up and held him into my chest. "Shh baby. You're gonna be sick. Daddy's sorry for making you wait so long pumpkin." I grabbed his paci and tried to put it in his mouth. He rejected it and hid in my neck. I sighed and walked downstairs and fixed a bottle. I sat on the couch and laid him across my lap. I gently pushed the bottle to his lips and played with his hair. He gently latched on and slowly sucked on the nipple. Quite suckling and easy breathing was all that was heard. Daniel's small hands wrapped around my large one as he finished his bottle. I smiled at him and played with his messy hair. Once the bottle was finished I sat him up in my lap and burped him. He snuggled into my chest after burping a few times. "You're so cute. You know that baby?" He grabbed my nose and giggled. "What's so funny about my nose?" He giggled again. Thunder rumbled through out the house causing him to jump and whimper into my chest. "It's ok baby." He whimpered and held onto my shirt tightly. "I know baby. I know." I saw it was barely 10pm. Daniel's bed time was 8. "Did the thunder wake you baby?" He nodded and whimpered as another bomb of thunder erupted. "Shh. It's ok." I picked him up and went to my room. I slowly laid on the bed and cuddled him. "Dada." He whimpered as lighting lit up the room and thunder sounded once again. "Daddy's right here baby. Nothing is going to hurt you. I promise." He buried his head into my neck and laid there quietly, whimpering every so often when thunder would roar. "Daddy's got you baby boy. Nothing is gonna hurt you I promise." He sighed contented into my neck and hugged me tighter. I kissed his cheek and smiled at him. "You feel better baby?" He nodded his head and pointed to his paci. "Paci." "Can you ask nicely?" "Paci pwease dada?" "Of course baby." I handed him his paci and watched him put it in his mouth. "Tank ou dada." "You're welcome baby." He snuggled into my chest and yawned. I rubbed his back and smiled down at him. "Ni ni dada." "Night night baby." Before I knew it he was out like a light, snoring softly into my chest. I smiled and turned off my lamp and eventually fell asleep too.

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