Stressed out

778 12 5

Requested by @iccubrownie
Sorry it took so long. I never know what to write lol.
Jack: dada/daddy
Zach: headspace of 4 year old

Zach's pov

"I hate this." I cried as I sat on the bathroom floor of the recording studio. I messed up on my lyrics for the 5th time today! They're gonna fire me, I just know it! They're gonna kick me out the band and the boys won't even care! "Zach? Are you in here? It's just me, Jack. I'm alone I promise." He slowly walked in to see me on the ground having a mental breakdown. I quickly wiped my tears and got off the ground a little too quickly causing me to stumble. Jack quickly grabbed me and held me up right; making sure I didn't pass out. "I-I'm fine. Thanks Jack." "You're not fine. You're stressed. It's written all over your face." I sighed and looked at the ground. "I just wanna be the best I can be. Everyone's better than me." "Zach stop it. You're amazing just the way you are. You'd be perfectly fine on your own. Everyone loves you. The limelight's adore you! Management only pushes you so hard because you're young. And if I'm being honest, I don't agree with it. You deserve to be able to enjoy these years of your life because you never get them back." My face was flushed red as tears cascaded down my face. "I. I just want to relax." Jack ran his hand through my hair and sighed. It was one of those 'I'm thinking' sighs he makes. Sometimes the ideas he has are so bazaar you have to question if he really said it but other times he has some pretty good ideas. "I have an idea!" "Oh god another one of your famous ideas." I chuckled slightly finally looking up at him. "Ageplay!" I cocked my head to the side and just stared at him. "It's an amazing idea Zach!" "What the fuck is-" he popped me in the mouth and frowned. "No cussing the label would kill us if they heard that." "Oww!" I held my lip and frowned. "To answer your unfinished question; ageplay is when someone acts younger than they actually are and they have a caregiver." "I'm still mad at you for popping me in the mouth." "I'm sorry buddy." I pouted and looked at the floor suddenly finding my feet extremely interesting. "So do you agree?" Before I could even think of an answer he answered for me. "You don't have a choice actually. We're starting as soon as we get home." "What! No fair! I didn't get a say in this!" "Hush or the next thing I pop is your butt. This will help you Zach, trust me." I sighed and nodded, I don't have the energy to fight with him. "Now let's finish recording so we can go home ok bud? And when we get home you can take a nap after I tell you the rules ok?" "Ok." I mumbled softly and shuffled into the recording studio. "You good Zach?" The producer asked as he turned in his spiny chair. "Yeah." Jack gave me a quick glare making me change my statement. "Yes sir. I'm fine." I flashed a quick sweet smile his way. "Ok do you wanna finish recording or finish another time? We only have a few more parts to do." I looked at Jack for an answer. He gave me a reassuring look saying to do as I please. "Can I finish recording?" "Of course!" I walked into the booth and got ready to record. I'm dreading going home honestly.

-later at home-

Home; the place I've been dreading for the last hour. I gonna be completely honest, this is bullshit. I don't need to be babied to relax. "Zach can you go sit on the couch please?" "Shut up." I grumbled at Jack and walked into the kitchen. "Excuse me?" I turned around and saw Jack standing with an extremely angry face. I huffed and sat on the couch not wanting to make him anymore mad than he already is. "I'm gonna make this quick since it's obvious somebody needs a nap." "I don't need a nap!" "Watch your tone Zach." "This is stupid! I didn't even get a say in this!" "Zach calm down. I understand you're angry but this will help you with your stress." "I don't need help!" "Your breakdown from earlier says otherwise." "Fuck you!" Wrong choice of words. "What was that Zachary?" "I-I said f-fuck you." I mumbled looking down. "Corner. Now." I quickly went to the corner. I got a few smacks on the way there which made me yelp and tear up. "You have 15 minutes. Don't. Move." I whined as he walked away. I didn't mean it. I was mad and it slipped out. I still don't like this idea.

-15 minutes later-

My legs hurt! I've been sniffling for like ever. I didn't mean it. I just want cuddles. "Are you ready to behave Zach?" "Yes sir." "Come here." I walked over to jack and sniffled slightly. "I'm sorry I cussed at you and got mad." Tears slowly ran down my face. "I forgive you Zach." I sniffled and wiped my eyes. "Come here baby." I quickly fell into his embrace. "Aww baby. It's ok." I snuggled closer to his chest. "Now that I've got you calmed down let me tell you the rules." I nodded letting him know I heard him and to continue. "No cursing. You must address me as daddy or dada when we're at home. Nap time is at 1:30 everyday unless we're extremely busy then nap time will be whenever we can fit it in. You will wear what I pick out for you. Let daddy know when you have to go potty; we don't want any accidents. No hitting, scratching or bitting. No leaving the house without permission and someone with you. In public you must behave or there will be consequences. Bedtime is 8:30, 9 on weekends. Consequences include; mouth washing, time out, early bedtime, no desert, no cuddles or spankings if necessary. Did you understand all of that?" "Yes daddy. Cuddles?" I looked at him and gave him puppy dog eyes. It may not be as bad as I thought it would be. I get an excuse to cuddle Jack all the time. "Yes you can have cuddles baby but it is nap time so let's go cuddle in your bed." "No. Daddy's bed." He chuckled and nodded. "Ok my bed it is." He quickly picked me up and went to his room. I could get used to this.

-3 weeks later-

Jack's pov

"Zach baby do you wanna help daddy make dinner?" "No daddy I wan color for wou." I chuckled and shook my head. This kid loves coloring. It keeps him busy so I can't complain. "Daddy. I have to go potty." "Ok lets go." I dried off my hands and quickly walked him to the bathroom. "Go potty." "Stay at the door pwease?" "I'm right here baby. Now go potty." I shut the door and waited for him to finish. After hearing him flush the toilet and wash his hands he swung open the door. "I finish daddy!" "Good job baby! Do you wanna help daddy now? Uncle Jonah, uncle Corbyn and uncle Dani are coming over." "I draw pictures for dem daddy! Pwease?" I chuckled. "Ok baby. Don't go anywhere but the table please." "Yes daddy." He quickly ran off to the table and color more pictures. I walked to the kitchen to check on the salad and lasagna. I transferred the salad into a blow and put it into the refrigerator and took out the lasagna to add some cheese. "Daddy! Daddy! Uncie Corbo here!" Zach tugged on my shirt trying to get me to answer the door. "Hold on baby." I popped the lasagna back into the oven and walked to the door with Zach hot on my tail. As soon as I opened the door Zach was attacking Corbyn. "Uncie Corbo!" "My favorite munchkin!" Corbyn laud kisses all over Zach's face causing him to laugh. "What's up Jack." "What up Corbs." "Come color wit me pwease?" Zach gave Corbyn his big puppy dog eyes. "Who could say no to that face?" Zach quickly dragged Corbyn to the coloring table and handed him some crayons and paper. "Thank you munchkin." "Wou elcome." I chuckled and pulled out the lasagna and let it cool. I'm not the best at cooking but I'm getting there. I stood and watched Corbyn and Zach coloring at the table. Zach had the biggest smile on his face. Pure happiness if I say so myself. As of right on cue the door bell rang snapping me out of my thoughts. "Daddy some un at the door." "Thank you baby. I'll go see who it is." Upon opening the door I was greeted with "Jackie bear!" and "Noddles!" "Hey Dani boy! Hey Mojo JoJo!" We hugged and walked towards Zach and Corbyn. "Wook! I draw picture for wou!" Zach held up two pieces of paper. One with a really tall stick figure, Daniel, and one with a buff looking stick figure, Jonah. "Oh my goodness Zach you just get better and better at drawing each time I see you." Daniel complimented grabbing the paper. "This one is definitely going on my wall." Zach giggled and handed Jonah his picture. "You know some times I think you like to hide your talents from us mister." Zach giggled and smiled wide. "An an dis un for uncie Corbo." He handed Corbyn a picture of a sick figure surrounded by stars. "Well won't you look at that. It's me!" Zach giggled. "Daddy I hungy." "Perfect cause dinner is ready." I swooped him up cause him to burst into a fit of laughter and carried him to his chair. I set the food on the table and waited for the others to be seated. Once seated we said grace and excitedly dug in. All throughout dinner Zach was babbling about how much he loved his uncles and how nice I was and his much he loved me. His words dripped with happiness as he spoke. It made me realize how much I truly love this kid. He's my baby and I wouldn't trade the world for anyone else.

Ageplay imaginesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora