Baby brudda

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Cameron: 3 year old headspace
Taylor: 6 month headspace
Aaron: daddy
Carter: papi

Cameron's pov

Daddy say I get baby brudda today. I don't want one. I'm the only baby daddy and papi have. No one else but me. I sat pouting on the couch waiting for papi to get me from timeout. I threw a tantrum this morning when daddy told me he was leaving. "Ok Cameron you can come out now." I wiggled off the couch and went to my play room. I sat on my little bench by the window and watched the cars go by. I always do this when I'm sad. Papi never knows I'm here only daddy. I'm scared daddy will love my baby brudda more than me. "Cameron baby what are you doing?" Papi picked me up. "I watch cars go by." "Why sweet heart don't you wanna play?" "No." Papi was surprised. "What's wrong?" "Daddy will wove baby brudda more dan me." "No way baby. That's silly. We'll love you both equally. No one is different in this family. You are gonna get a lot more attention from everyone of you help out with the baby. We may even give you later bedtime." "Weally?" "Yeah. As long as your good and you help." "I help. I help." Papi chuckled and hugged me. "That's what I like to hear." "I'm home." "DADDY!" I ran downstairs and saw daddy carrying a baby. "This is Taylor. He's your new baby brother. Be careful with him." Daddy say him on my play mat I sat in front of him. He just stared at me drooling. "Hi Taywor. I Cameron. I your big brudda." He just giggled and clapped. "He can't talk just yet baby give him a few months then he'll talk ok?" "Otay daddy." I grabbed Taylor's hands and kissed them. Like daddy does to me when I get home from anywhere and he wasn't there. Daddy says it's good luck. Taylor smiled at me and made nosies. "Ah ba gu gu." He smiled wide. "I wove wou Taywor." I kissed his head. He smiled and giggled. "He loves you too." Papi said as he hugged daddy from behind. Taylor placed a wet kiss on my cheek. I giggled and hugged him.

-later that night-

Taylor is crying in his room daddy isn't there and papi isn't either. So I got out of my big boy bed and went to him. I put my hand in his crib and held his hand. He stopped crying and looked at me. I climbed into his crib and laid next to him. He looked at me and snuggled into my chest. We fell asleep just like that.

Aaron's pov

I woke up early that morning. I didn't hear any baby cries. I did last night but they stopped which was weird. I decided to check on Taylor. He's probably wet. I walked into his room and saw him and Cameron snuggled up together. I took a picture and woke both of them up "hi daddy." "Hi Cammy. I see you slept with Tay Tay last night." "He cry so I stay wit him." I picked up both of them and put Cameron on the ground. I tried to change Taylor but once I got his diaper off he squirmed and cried. Cameron got in his step stool and held Taylor's hand. "It otay. Daddy not hurt wou. Daddy nice." Taylor calmed down and let me change him into a new diaper. I can't wait to see what they do when they get older but for now I just want my babies. 

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