Can't be big boy out in public

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Jacob S.: headspace of 5 year old
Cameron: daddy

Jacob's pov

I haven't been able to be little fur a while since I'm always at meetings with Cameron. It's really stressful too. I've been reading lots of comments. Mostly hate comments though. Some are nice here and there but mostly hate. Everyone's been making fun of me since I'm young. Things have been says and made about me. Kinda like this picture.

 Kinda like this picture

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I hate this picture. It's mean. It's hurts my feelings too. Uh oh I think I'm slipping into my headspace. I can't though we're in the mall. Everyone will just make fun of me more. I need to get Cameron's attention. "Cam. Cammy. Cameron." He still ignored me looking at clothes. I whimpered slowly going into my headspace. "Cameron we need to go home. Now." "Why? Your fine I'll get you food in a second." I whined and held onto his arm. "Please Cameron." "No." I started to cry making me slip into deep headspace. "What is wrong with you Jacob?" "I'm sorry daddy couldn't be big anymore." Daddy's face dropped. It was first filled with horror then panic. "Come on Jacob let's get you home now." He dragged me out the store as I cried. I couldn't contain myself anymore it's hard. "Shhh it's ok. Shhh. We're going home." I kept getting weird looks but I didn't care I just kept crying. I tried so hard but still failed. "Stop crying please." Daddy picked me up and quickly went to the car. He buckled me in my carseat and gave me my teddy bear. "There baby play with that." He shut my door and and got in. He started the car shutting his door and driving off. "Daddy's sorry baby. Daddy didn't know you were slipping. Do you forgive daddy?" "Yes daddy I forgive you." "Daddy's so sorry baby. You have no idea daddy's gonna make it up to you ok?" "Ok." I hugged my teddy bear close and waited to get home. When we got home daddy took me out of the car and carried me inside. "Do you wanna change clothes? I know those jeans are tight on your little tummy." I nodded and waited for him to pick out clothes and help me get dressed. "Do you want your footie or onesie?" "Footie. Onesies are for babies daddy." "Oh I forgot baby." He chuckled and helped me change. Once I was changed I went to get my teddy bear and went to the couch. "Dinner and a movie daddy?" "I don't see why not. Stay there while daddy goes and gets changed ok?" "Ok daddy." He put the movies in front of me and left. I picked out the Lego movie. Daddy cane down in shorts with no shirt and was ordering pizza. He sat next to me started the movie as soon as the food got here. After we ate we cuddled and watched more movies. "I love you daddy." I snuggles closer to him yawning. "I love you to baby boy. Now go to sleep daddy is taking you to uncle Taylor's house tomorrow." I smiledd up at him and snuggled more falling asleep to the sound of Nemo in the background. I love my life.

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