Me too

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Aaron: will go into headspace of 1 year old
Hayes: headspace of 2 year old
Cameron: papa
Carter: dada, daddy

Aaron's pov

I'll admit I'm a little jealous of Hayes. Everyone gives him attention and I get non. I won't say that out loud but I'll admit it to myself. I want to find a way to get them to pay attention to me too. I know I'm selfish but you don't understand. It's always Hayes this and Hayes that. What about Aaron? I don't care how old Hayes is I still need attention too. I pouted as I sat next to Carter who was playing with Hayes. "You're so adorable. Yes you are. Yes you are. Daddy loves you so much." Carter planted kisses all over his face causing Hayes to giggle. "Aaron why do you look like that?" Cameron asked. "Like what?" I shrugged as if I didn't know what he was talking about. "You look like Hayes whenever we tell him no." Carter chimed in. "No I don't." I got a little to defensive over that. "Is there something to want to tell us Aaron?" Cameron asked looking me in the eyes. I felt targeted by them. Hayes was even staring at me. "No ok just leave me alone." I stormed off to my room slaking the door. I laid on my bed and cried into my pillow. After a minute or 2 of doing this I started to throw a tantrum. I threw my things everywhere. My bed was destroyed. My clothes were everywhere. My shoes were everywhere. I was crying and screaming and destroying my room. Carter walked in and so everything. "Aaron what are you doing?" I dropped to the floor and cried. I couldn't think anymore. I just wanted to held and comforted. I let my cries escalate as I realized how dumb I was being. I kicked at anything near my feet and threw anything near my head. I pulled at my hair and clawed my face. "Aaron stop. No don't do that love." Carter gently pulled my hands away from my face and embraced me in a hug. I cried into his chest. "Shhh. It's ok Aaron. I got you. It's ok." He rocked back and forth rubbing my back. "Da-ddy." "Shhhh baby. Daddy's right here. Daddy's not going anywhere. Daddy's gonna stay right here with you." With those words playing in my mind I fell asleep.

Carter's pov

Once Aaron was asleep I laid him in Hayes play pen then went to Cameron. "Is he ok?" "Yeah he was having a break down. I think he wants to be a baby." Cameron's faced showed confusion. "Why?" "I don't know but he called me daddy while I was trying to calm him down. I think we should ask him when he wakes up." Cameron nodded then looked towards Aaron's messy room. "Do you want me to help you clean all of that?" "Please?" We went into Aaron's room and fixed everything back to the way it was. I found a teddy bear under his bed. I went to where I put Aaron and put it next to him. He grabbed it quickly and turned over. I smiled down at him. To be honest he did look cute as a baby. "Carter." I turned my attention to Cameron who was holding a wide awake Hayes. "Daddy." He said pretty straight forward and annoyed. "Sorry baby daddy is watching Aaron. Stay with papa ok?" "Otay." Hayes is pretty understanding when it comes Aaron. No matter what it is Hayes will always do what you say if he hears Aaron's name. Cameron let Hayes go to his play room once Aaron woke up. "Hey bud. Did you sleep well?" I took Aaron out of the play pen and sat him on the couch. "Aaron be honest. Do you want to be a baby like Hayes?" Cameron didn't sugar code it or anything. "Y-yes." Tears started to form in his eyes. "Hey it's ok baby. We aren't mad. You should've told us sooner." I hugged him tight. I'm the softer parent out of the 2 of us. "I'll send papa out to get you your own supplies and your own bed. Until he gets back though you have to wear Hayes's stuff ok?" Aaron nodded still holding his teddy bear tight. Cameron left to the store as soon as I said supplies. I picked up Aaron and went to Hayes's nursery. I grabbed a diaper, wipes and baby powder. I laid Aaron on the changing table and quickly changed him. "Do you want a onesie or a shirt?" "Onesie." I nodded and grabbed a red fire truck onesie. I dressed him in it then put him in the play pen with some toys.

Aaron's pov

I didn't really play with any of the toys around me. I just played with my teddy bear that Carter found. I thought I lost it months ago. Cameron came back with all the supplies we needed. I saw the Taylor, Shawn, and the Jack's were with him. I blushed and hid my face. "Awww don't be shy baby they don't hurt." Cameron cooed. Shawn walked over to where I was and tickled me. I laughed loudly trying to get him to stop. "You're so cute." He picked me up an twirled around. I laughed more. "You have the most adorable laugh ever." Shawn smiled at me. I stayed with him the entire time while they set up my room. Carter, I mean daddy was cooking dinner and Hayes was watching a movie. By dinner time my room was finished. So was my high chair. I didn't think they made all this stuff for adults but they do. Shawn, Taylor, and the Jack's stayed over for dinner. Shawn volunteered to feed me whine Carter feed Hayes. I'm finally happy with my life. I can finally smile and say I have a really family.

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