I wanna be a princess

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Hayes: headspace of 5 year old
Aaron: daddy

Hayes's pov

I'm tired of wearing pants. I want a dress. A big poofy dress with sparkles. I want a tiara and sparkly shoes too but daddy sing but it for me. My friends say that it's gay and that I should like mud but that's icky. I like tea parties and dresses. I know daddy will get mad if I ask him for princess dresses, tutus, a tea party set, sparkly shoes and, tiaras. I don't like being a boy. I sat on my very boyish cars bed and pouted. Daddy will only hate me if I be girly. At least that's what the older boys at the park say. "Hey...aww baby what's wrong?" Daddy sat next to me. If I tell him he'll hate me but if I don't I'll stay sad forever. "I wanna be a princess daddy. I don't like boy stuff. I want dresses and tutus and sparkly shoes and tiaras and a tea party set and a princess bed." "Why didn't you just tell me baby I would've gotten it for you. Do you want your room pink too?" "Yeah!" I jumped on his lap and hugged him. "Thank you daddy." "You're welcome princess." His kissed my head then put me down. "Lunch is ready by the way." I nodded and followed him to the kitchen I sat and ate lunch while he ordered stuff of his laptop. I hope it's my princess stuff. I can't wait to be a princess. After lunch daddy made me stay in the play room while he and uncle Shawn re-did my room. I had got tutus and dresses from uncle Shawn. Uncle Taylor got me a tea party set and tiaras. All I need is shoes. I changed into my dress and played tea party with uncle Taylor until my room was finished. "Ok baby come and see your room." I ran to my room and say it was pink with a princess carriage bed and princess in big sparkly letters. "Thank daddy. Thanks you uncle Shawn." I hugged them both and squealed getting on my new bed. "I love it." Daddy smiled and laid next to me. "I love you princess." "I love you too daddy." I smiled and laud my head on his chest falling asleep. I love my daddy.

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