No more babysitters

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Daniel: 3 year old headspace
Taylor: daddy

Daniel's pov

Daddy's never home anymore. I always have a babysitter. I don't want them I want daddy. I normally make them quite by doing something bad. Like I got the last one to quite by coloring on her face. I've had 17 babysitters. At least that's what daddy says. I can only count up to 3. "I'm going out tonight so be good for your babysitters." Babysitters? That means more than one. Who could they be? Now I have to make a different plan. "Daniel! Did you hear daddy?" "Wes daddy. Wove you." I hugged his leg. "I love you too baby. Be good for them ok?" "Otay." I let go of his leg. The doorbell rang which means they're here. No no no no no. I want more time with daddy. "Come on baby lets go meet them." Daddy carried me downstairs to the front door. When he opened the door I saw to teenage girls(picture below is what the babysitters are imagined look like).

 When he opened the door I saw to teenage girls(picture below is what the babysitters are imagined look like)

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They're pretty but I want daddy. "Hello girls." "Hi Mr. Caniff." The blonde smiled at me. "Is this Daniel? He's so adorable." "Yes this is Daniel. Daniel tell Chloe thank you." "Tank wou." The brunette smiled at me. "We'll take good care of him Mr. Caniff." "I know you will Zoey. Ok Daniel daddy has to go now. Be extra good tonight. Daddy loves you so much." Daddy kisses all over my face making me giggle. "Sthop it daddy." "Say you love me." "I wove you daddy." Daddy smiled then put me down. "Everything you need to know is on the note in the kitchen. Goodbye girls." "Goodbye Mr. Caniff." "Bye bye Daniel." "Bye bye daddy." I waved to him then walked inside. Once the door was shut I stared at my babysitters. "Hi Daniel. We're gonna have so much fun." Zoey said smiling. I pouted and sat on the couch. "Awww don't pout Danny. I know you miss daddy but we're gonna have so much fun here! Like make pictures and make dinner. It's gonna be fun!" Chloe said. Pictures. That's perfect! "Otay!" I smiled and got off the couch. "There's that beautiful smile your daddy was talking about." I giggled and blushed. Daddy talks about me? Wow! Daddy talks about me! I squealed and giggled. "Awwww you're so cute." Zoey picked me and carried me to the kitchen. "Let's make dinner." "Yaaaaaaa!" Chloe pulled out the dinosaur nuggets from the freezer and put them on a pan and put it in the oven. I didn't notice it was already on I guess Zoey did it when I wasn't looking.  "Now let's make macaroni and cheese!" Zoey put me down. I ran to get the noddles as Chloe set up the pot. I grabbed the noddles and Zoey grabbed the cheese. I poured the noddles into pot and smiled. "Good job Daniel!" I gave Chloe a high five. "Now let's go color while Zoey cooks." I lead her to my play room and smiled. "This is cute. Your daddy really went all out." I giggles and grabbed paper and a market and started drawing. I know exactly what I'm gonna do.

-later that night-

It's almost 10 and the babysitters and are sleep. My plan is working. I grabbed my markers and went to work. I drew all over their faces and clothes. I colored Zoey's black hair red. It showed up too. I then messed my diaper. I know that doesn't help much but I needed to go potty. I haven't pottied all night. Now to wake them up. "WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" They both jumped awake. They didn't notice their faces just yet but they noticed my messy diaper. "Awww baby did you go potty? It's ok. Let's get you cleaned up." Zoey carried me upstairs to my room. She laid me on the changing mat and pulled down the front of my diaper. Chloe's scream scared me which made me pee on Zoey, a lot. "AHHHHH! STOP IT! QUIT PEEING!" She held her hands up in much defense trying to block my stream. That was not apart of the plan I swear. "Ugh! You dumb baby you ruined my top!" I stared at her waiting to be changed. She quickly changed me and left me in my room. I couldn't open my door. She locked me in my room. "WAAAAAAAAAAAH! WAAAAAAAAAAH! WAAAAAAAAAAH! WAAAAAAAAAAAH!" Chloe opened my door in rage. "SHUT UP YOU DUMB BABY! YOU RUINED EVERYTHING! YOU ARE GOING TO SIT HERE UNTIL YOUR DEADBEAT FATHER GETS HOME!" When she said that daddy was standing at my door with Zoey. When Chloe turned around daddy was furious. I just cried louder because what she said really hurt. Daddy kicked both of them out and held me to his chest. "I'm sorry baby. No more babysitters ever. Daddy's learned his lesson." I sniffled and later my head in his chest. "Prwomise?" "Promise."

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