Your scars are beautiful

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(Warning: language and self harm.)
Mark: headspace of 3 year old
Daniel: daddy

Mark's pov

"Hey Mark we're going out are you coming?" Daniel asked. He was smiling big and messing around with Jacob and Hunter. "No I'm ok. You guys go have have fun." I faked a smile hoping they would just leave. "You sure we got room for one more?" Hunter asked. "Yeah. Go on. I'll be fine." If only I was telling the truth. "Ok. Well call us if you need us." They left the house. "I'm so worthless. Why do I even try?" I scrolled through my phone and every so often would see nice comments but they were only from my friends so it didn't help. No one likes me. Why do I try to be famous? I'm just an irrelevant piece of shit. I deserve to fucking die. "They won't miss me anyways." I walked to my bathroom and found my razors. I rolled up my sleeve and saw my old cuts from months ago slowly fading away. "1 for being ugly. 2 for being worthless. 3 for being irrelevant. 4 for being stupid. 5 for always being in trouble. 6 for not having anyone to care about me. 7 for being depressed. And 8 for good luck." Before I made the last cut the razor was slapped out of my hand. "No!" I looked up and saw Daniel staring at me. "Let me die Daniel. You wouldn't miss me anyways." "Yes I would." He pulled me into his arms. "I love you Mark please don't do this." I couldn't help but cry. "You don't love me Daniel." "Yes I do. Stop telling yourself that." Daniel grabbed my non-bleeding arm and took me to the sink. He slowly cleaned my cuts making sure not to harm me more. "Why you doing this?" He kept quite and bandage my arm. "Because I care about you." He took me over to my bed and sat me in his lap. I snuggled into his chest. He rocked back and forth. "I'm sorry Daniel." I sniffled and hid in his neck. I was still crying slightly but not a lot. He rubbed my back and rocked me. I eventually fell asleep.

Daniel's pov

As soon as we got out of the neighborhood I realized I left my wallet. "Hey guys can we go back to my house? I left my wallet." "Sure." The uber turned around and went back to my house. I walked in and went upstairs. As I walked by Mark's room I heard him mumbling. I decided to walk in just to see what he was going. What I saw made me sick to my stomach. My poor baby was cutting himself. "No!" I slapped the razor out of his hand. He held sadness and fear in his eyes. I had to do it. I can't lose another friend to depression. "Let me die Daniel. You wouldn't miss me anyways." My baby thinks I don't love him. "Yes I would." I pulled him into my arms. "I love you Mark please don't do this." He started crying. "You don't love me Daniel." His words hurt honestly. I hate thinking he doesn't feel loved. "Yes I do. Stop telling yourself that." I grabbed his arm that he didn't cut and took him to his sink. I slowly and carefully cleaned his cuts. His eyes were filled with confusion. "Why are you doing this?" I kept quite and focused on his cuts. "Because I care about you." I led him over to the bed and pulled him into my lap. He snuggled into my chest. I rocked back and forth gently. Something had just surprised me you know? I didn't think I could care for someone this much who wasn't related to me. "I'm sorry Daniel." He sniffled and put his head in my neck. I could tell he was still crying a little. I rubbed his back and rocked him hoping he would fall asleep. Once he did I laid him in his bed and canceled going out with Hunter and Jacob. I just told them that Mark wasn't doing to well and I wanted to stay home with him. There's something going on that he's not telling me. I think he's depressed. Maybe I can help him. I grabbed my laptop and sat on the couch with coffee. I'm going to be up for a long time tonight.

-3 hours later-

I've been searching for 3 hours and only one thing has seemed to stand out to me. It's called ageplay. It's where I'll take care of Mark and he'll be a little boy. I started ordering stuff 30 minutes ago because I've finally decided that I'm doing that one. Hopefully he agrees with me. "Daniel. What are you doing back so early? I thought you were spending the night at Hunter's?" "I was but not anymore. Come sit." I turned the tv on fit him to watch as I finished ordering. "What are you ordering?" "Things for you." "Why?" "Because you need them." "But why?" "Because I said so." He pouted. "Stop talking to me like a child." "But you are a child." "No I'm not. I can take care of myself." "Your scars say other wise." He quickly shut up and sulked in his seat. "Good baby." I kissed his head and changed the channel to a little kid show. He pouted all night. The things I ordered started arriving around an hour later. "Come on Marky let's get you changed into more appropriate clothes." "No." "Excuse me?" "No." "And why not?" "I'm not a baby!" I smacked his thigh and put him in the corner. He whined and looked at me. "Until you learn to listen to me you will not leave the corner." He poured as I turned his head to face the wall. I changed out his wardrobe and put railings on his bed so he can feel more like a child. I walked downstairs with his pj's and a pull-up in my hand. "Mark are you ready to listen to daddy?" He nodded. "Ok. Come here baby." He walked over to me looking at the ground. "What do you have to say?" "'M sorry daddy." "I forgive you baby. Now let's get you ready for bed." I pulled off his shirt and put on his pajama shirt. I unbuckled his pants and pulled them off. I went to pull off his underwear but he pushed my hand away. "C-c-can I do it? Please." "No daddy has to do it." He pouted. "No pouting or you go back to the corner." He stopped pouring and let me finish changing him. Once I finished he was yawning. "Somebody's sleepy." "No." He yawned again. "Let's go." I picked him up and carried him to bed. On the way there he fell asleep. "Goodnight my prince." I kissed his head and left.

-6 weeks later-

For the last six weeks Mark has really adjusted to his new life. He's forgotten all about his scars. I took off Mark's bandages last night after he fell asleep. I hope he doesn't notice them. "Daddy." He sounded scared. "Yes baby?" I put my book down. "What are des daddy?" He pointed to his scars. "They're scars that mean people put on you." He sniffled. "Why daddy?" "I don't know baby." He started crying. I pulled him into my lap abs started rocking him. "Shhhh. It's ok baby." I started singing Scars To Beautiful by Alessia Cara. He started to calm down. "No scars to your beautiful. We're stars and we're beautiful." He fell asleep in my arms snuggled closely to me. "Your scars are beautiful baby." I kissed his head and held him close.

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