Accidents and Play date

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Blake: 3 year old headspace
Cameron: daddy, uncle Cam
Hunter: 2 year old headspace
Carter: dada, uncle Carter

Blake's pov

"Come on Blakey wake up." Daddy rubbed my tummy making me squeal. "No daddy hands cold." He chuckled and picked me up. "Let's get you out of that nasty pull-up." He carried me all the way to the bathroom then helped me strip down to nothing but my shirt. "Get on the potty baby." I sat on the potty and waited for daddy to get my big boy underwear. "Stay right there and don't get up." I nodded. "And don't play with yourself either or I'll have to tell Hunter he can't come over." I nodded and put my hands on my knees. Daddy came back with my spider man undies and new clothes. "Did you go potty?" I shook my head no and looked down. "Can't go daddy." Daddy sighed and rubbed my tummy again. "Did you go in your pull-up before I got you out of bed?" I nodded sadly. "I sorry daddy I no big boy." "It's ok baby. You're still daddy's big boy." He kissed my head and helped me get dressed. "Let's go eat." We went to the kitchen and ate. "Now Hunter will be here after nap time so go clean the play room ok?" I nodded and went to clean my play room. I cleaned for days. Nap time takes forever. Uh oh. I need to go potty. I can't go I need to finish cleaning. Daddy will be mad if I go potty on myself though. No clean first potty later. I cleaned more and more until my tummy made a noise. Need to go potty. I went into the bathroom and tried to take off my pants. Uh oh it's stuck. My tummy made more noises. No no no. Need to go potty. I whined as I tried to take off my pants and be a big boy. I looked up then down again. I'm wet. I whimpered as I wet myself. Daddy won't like this. My tummy made another noise. No I can't go poopy now daddy already hates me. I started to cry as my tummy made more noises. "DADDY!" I cried louder. "What is it baby? What's-oh you poor thing." He saw the mess I was in and tried to calm me down. He quickly took off my clothes and put me on the potty before I could have a bigger accident. "Stay there while daddy gets you more clothes." I nodded and cried waiting for daddy to come back. Daddy's mad at me. "Are you finished baby?" I nodded still upset. "Go to your room and stand by the changing table." I walked to my room crying more. Daddy's gonna diaper me. "WAHHHHH!" I laid on my tummy and cried. "Shhhh baby don't cry. Daddy is just trying to stop potty accidents." He picked me up and laid me on the changing table. "Someone had a full tummy." He wiped everywhere then put a pull-up on me. "Daddy loves you ok? You're still daddy's big boy." He hugged me tight. "Everyone has accidents. Including daddy. It's ok." He carried me to the play room. "Your play room is very clean baby. Daddy is proud of you." He kissed my cheek and went to his room. "Let's take a nap ok?" I nodded and let him lay me down. He laid next me and pulled me close to him. I crawled on top of him and laid there. He rubbed my back and played with my hair. I stuck my thumb in my mouth and went to sleep.

Carter's pov

"Hunter!" He giggled and ran past me. "It's time for a nap let's go." "No!" He ran around the couch giggling. I've been chasing him for an hour. How's he not tired yet? I sat on the couch and just let him run around. He was very entertained until he slipped and fell on his butt. "Dada." He started crying really hard. I think he just got scared he had on a diaper. "Shhh baby." I picked him up and rocked him. "That's what happens when you don't listen to dada." I rubbed his back and went to his room. "I'm gonna change you then it's nap time." He nodded and rubbed his eyes. I laid him on the changing table and kissed his head. "Stay right there." I went over to his crib and got his pacifier. "No more tears from you." I put the pacifier in his mouth and quickly changed him. "Dada tired." "I know you're tired baby." I carried him to the rocking chair and sat down. I slowly rocked and played with his hair. He kept blinking indicating that he was almost asleep. A small yawn escaped his mouth and he fell asleep. I laid him in his crib and went to my bed for a nap.

-after nap time-

Blake's pov

"Daddy daddy Hunter here!" I squealed looking out the window. "I know baby. Calm down." Daddy opened the door and Hunter ran inside and hugged him. "Hunter!" "Bwakey!" "Let's go play in my room." I took Hunter to my play room. He grabbed his favorite dinosaur and I grabbed mine. "Dinosaur!" We yelled. I like playing dinosaur with him. He plays fair. After what seemed like a very short time daddy called us down for snack. "Daddy can Hunter and uncie Carter stay da night?" "I'll think about it." I squealed. "Come on Hunter I need to check to see if you're wet." Uncie Carter took Hunter to the bathroom. I didn't even notice I was wet until he said it. "Ummm daddy. I-I-I wet." "Ok let's get you changed." "You not mad?" "No baby you're still new at this it's ok." I love my daddy.

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