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I feel a hand holding onto mine and I don't know who it belongs to. My heavy eyelids prevent me from seeing who is holding it. I try to open them and everything spins around me, my head pounding. I tighten my grip on the hand involuntarily.

"H-Hey, I think she's awake." I hear a female voice. "Reina, please wake up." I move my head to the side as I struggled to open my eyes. The girl squeezes my hand. "She's coming around!"

"Go get a doctor," I hear a stern voice order whoever else is in the room. I feel like I know who it is. "Reina, look at me." The stern voice demands. My eyelids part open and my eyes land on a figure, blurry at first and I blink a few times and trail up to meet a pair of green eyes just like mine.

"Adrian," I close them, the light in the room too bright and my head continues to pound. I let go of the girl's' hand and hold my head as I try to sit up.

"Don't strain yourself, Ms Valdez." Another male voice says with an accent, his footsteps drawing closer.

I lay back down and close my eyes again. "What happened?" I mumble, desperately wanting answers. Why can't I move? I feel useless. This is frustrating!

"You were in a car crash," I open my eyes to see a man in scrubs. Somehow, I feel like I know him but I can't pinpoint where I've seen him. I dismiss the thought away. It's just my imagination.

"Am I okay?" I ask weakly.

The honey blonde headed doctor hesitates, glancing to my brother for permission. "You had a concussion..." He pauses, glancing to Adrian again. "some bone bruises in your arms and a broken leg." He finished. Oh god, that bad was the accident?

"How long will it take for her to heal?" The girl besides me asks. I look around the room. It's just my brother and this girl and other strangers. Who are they?

"She'll be ready to go in about six weeks," His blue-gray eyes met my green ones. "Reina, I'm going to ask you a few questions, okay?" I closed my eyes and put my arm over them, nodding my head. "What's your full name?"

"Reina Michelle Valdez," I answer. Relatable

"How old are you?"

It's like my mind went blank. I didn't know. I don't know. He repeated the question. I took my arm off my eyes and looked at him, troubled. "I don't know,"

"What do you mean you don't know?" The girl next to me asks, almost desperately.

I frown at her. "Who are you exactly?" The girl looks over to the doctor, her eyes blank and her mouth open in shock. "I don't even know you."

"That's not a good sign," He mumbles, looking troubled and turns to my brother. I'm so confused and I don't know why but I feel like it's bad that I should feel that way.

"Reina, don't you remember us?" A guy with honey brown eyes asks. I stare blankly at the three other guys then to my brother.

"Am I supposed to?" A second later, a sharp pain shot through my head. "What's going on?"

"Okay, she needs some rest. This is too much for her." The doctor dismissed.

"Reina, I hope you feel better." One says with a small smile.

"Andale pendejo," A taller one smacks the other in the head and pushes him forward, all the guys leaving except for Adrian, the girl and the doctor.

The girl stares at me in disbelief. "Are you going to tell her or do you want me to?!" She snaps at Adrian.

"Jade, tell—"

Black Ice 2: Fatal Mobs (KBTBB) CompletedWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu