X. Wicked Games

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Wicked Games

• chapter ten •


My eyes stray behind Mamoru and the room falls silent at the sound of heels entering the room. Behind a cloud of smoke, a curvy woman with long black hair and a cig between her fingers appears, looking around, almost looking lost. I snicker once I see her face, an amused smirk on my lips. No way. Everyone else switch confused looks as the woman stands behind Mamoru, her eyes land on mine.

"What're you doing here?" She asks, with an amused smirk and tone.

"Nice to see you too," I cross my arms, smirking more wickedly than before.

Mamoru looks between us two. "You know each other?"

"Who wouldn't know Snake Eyes?" She nods her head at me. I snicker at such compliment. Eisuke's quirked eyebrow catches my attention.


He just stares at me then looks back to Mamoru. "What is it?"

"It's a confidential police information... but I think you guys should know, too."

"Wait, who's the pretty lady?" Asks Baba. "Should she know about this?"

"I'm kind of the reason why Kishi knows about this," She answers rounds Mamo and sits in the single chair, inhaling from her cig. Eisuke stares at her then looks at me. Even though I've done business with her before, I still get intimidated by her. I'm a bit too stiff and I think Eisuke noticed.

"This is Vega Santiago," Mamoru begins to introduce her with no interest. "A criminal I'm taking care of,"

"Taking care of? I'm not a child." Retorts Vega. "Besides, I'm a magician not a criminal."

"Same shit," I snicker along with Vega at Mamo's response.

"Magic isn't real," Ota states. Vega raises an eyebrow at him.

"You wanna bet?"

"Yes it is!" Differs Mei Ling. "I've heard about you! No wonder you looked familiar." She looks at Vega, her eyes wide and sparklingly. Vega smiles at her.

"Okay so, what's going on?" I say, frowning.

"There's going to be a warrant out for Soryu's arrest." He announces. There's a shift in the atmosphere.

I stare at him confused. "Wait, what? For what?"

"What are you talking about?" Eisuke demands.

"The cops had a breakthrough in their investigation of that explosion." Informs Mamo. "A nearby security camera caught Soryu on tape."

"An explosion? When did this happen?" I turn to Eisuke anxiously to know what happened. "Was it when I was gone?" Eisuke stares at me blankly, everyone else quiet. "Did I miss something?" I turn around to face the others.

"No, Reina, it's what I told you about." Amaya stands up, slowly walking towards me, her voice calming.

I desperately rack my brain, biting my lip. I end up shaking my head. "No, I don't remember. Even though you told me, I don't remember what happened that day." I lost my memory, I don't remember!

"Yikes, this isn't good," I hear Vega say.

Amaya stays close to me as she says, "How can that be? He's the victim! I was there too! He's the one who got attacked!"

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