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• chapter two •


Breathless, Soryu rolls off me after we both chased our release and lays down next to me as I catch my breath from the second round. My conscious and sight slowly begin to return to normal after the bliss of ecstasy. I swallow to control my breathing, my legs and body still trembling. Oh my god that was intense. I feel Soryu's arm pull me closer to him from my bare waist as he holds his head with his palm with the other, looking down at me with a slight smile and tender eyes, his breathing still heavy. I look up to him and catch his gaze as he caresses his cheek with his fingers before leaning down to press his lips on my forehead. I close my eyes and relax under his soothing touch.

"I'm so grateful to have you again." He mumbles into my skin. "I wouldn't trade it for anything." With his fingers, they trail down to my chin, tilt it up and presses his lips on mine and leaves them there for a moment before pecking them and resting his forehead against mine. I feel a guilty and vulnerable and it's eating me alive. I cup his cheek with my hand and lean up to kiss him.

Soryu basically knows everything about me and I know nothing but that one brief memory I have of him when we were kids and that's it. That's it. How can I give him what we once had? I know and remember none of that. "Can I ask you something?" I break the kiss and whisper, gathering the courage in me together.

"What is it?" He meets my eyes and a pang of guilt hits me again. He looks so happy and satisfied and I'm only going to let him down.

"How did you find me?" I await his answers. Soryu's eyes turn a little more serious but snickers, bringing a hand to my face and brush the hair away.

"I'm in the mafia, Reina." He says it as reminding me. I expect him to say more but he doesn't.

"Okay," I clear my throat and prepare myself. "Then answer me this..." I pause and search his eyes before continuing. "Why did I do for you to come find me?" His face turns serious in a split second. "Did we fight or something? Did I leave on my own?"

Soryu averts his gaze from me, his jaw locked. I readjust and support myself on my elbows and wait. "You left on your own." He eventually answers.

"If I mean so much to you, why didn't you stop me?" That's when his eyes meet mine and I know I hit a weak spot.

His eyes search mine before saying, "You really don't remember?" Is he doubting me?

"I could barely remember our childhood memories together... I could barely remember you, Soryu. You think I'm lying to you?"

"I didn't say that. Don't twist my words." He growls and my anger begins to form. He sits up and I do as well, holding the sheet against my sore body. "What you did is unforgivable to the Ice Dragons and I..." Soryu pauses then snickers. "But here I am... Running back to you like you didn't do anything. I must have a death wish." He glances at me.

Death wish? What is he talking about? "Soryu, you're confusing me."

He snickers once again. "The Ice Dragons and the Black Crowns respect each other but that doesn't mean we have to like each other."

"And that's why the Ice Dragons tried to kill my initiates that day of the deal?"

Soryu frowns deeply at me. "We attacked because an explosion happened on the top floor thinking you all wanted a fight."

"It was never in our plan to attack." I come to realization. "Wait. If you didn't attack and we didn't either... Then who did?" Soryu ponders about it too. "Was someone else there that wasn't supposed to be?"

Black Ice 2: Fatal Mobs (KBTBB) CompletedМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя