I. The Crime of Love

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first chapter of the book and I'm already writing smut yikes 😅 lol enjoy little devils

Previously in Black Ice...

Reina Valdez decided to take a walk through the streets of LA one afternoon that eventually lead me to her brother, Adrian, who she has been searching for years. Instead of a normal brother and sister greeting, Adrian gave her a mission and divulge to her family secrets that Reina has been avoiding since turned eighteen. That mission was to find out about some information the Ice Dragons, a mafia mob from Hong Kong, knew about and kept hidden. At least that's what everyone thought. Reina knew the name of that mob sounded familiar to her and it was because her childhood best friend, Soryu Oh, was born into it. Reina never thought she would see him again. She believed Fate was in her favor.

Reina was given four months to seek that information that was needed for the gang she was born into, the Black Crowns. The Ice Dragons and the Black Crowns have never gotten along and no one never knew why. And it's common knowledge to never fall for the enemy and that was never in her plan but Reina never decided against it. She found people that fit the term 'family' in her dictionary, of course it got to her since she didn't have a real family like most people.

There was a point where Reina decided to not finish the mission, too much would go to waste if she did. Though the day had arrived and it only occurred to her to go that day, knowing the causes and effects that would happened. Risking it all, she exposed to the two gangs what she found out but there's still much more information left that no one still knows about. The truth remains hidden.

The selflessness in Reina is what changed her mind up last minute. She had thought of a plan the moment she bumped into Soryu in the warehouse. Her plan was so expose the truth she found and put together so the two gangs would leave on another alone, then leave and never be seen again. She was expecting for someone to chase after her, but she didn't expect almost dying - much less, losing her memory.

People believe it's Fate but in reality it's a fate worse than death. Fate is a game being controlled by a consummate shadow, and the gangs are the players.


The Crime of Love

• chapter one •


Too. Early.

Groaning, I shuffle beneath the sheets, turning my body away from the window and letting the sunlight hit my back instead of my face. It's warm, too warm. I slide the covers off of my body, only to find the air a bit too chilly now. The realization of the fact that I am stark naked hits me in moments, and I hastily pull the covers back up my body as my eyes shoot open, squinting at the bright light that seeps in through the tall windows.

I notice two things that are off about my bedroom.

One: The curtains are not drawn, leading to my early rousing at 7am.

Two: The pillow next to me beneath the covers is breathing.

Images of the previous night flow into mind, and a mixture feeling of regret and panic at the thought and the fact that I'd bring someone home from the club. I have to stay calm though. I take a deep breath and slip out of the bed, quickly glancing over my shoulder as I stumble into my bathroom to throw on my robe. How did I end up here?

Black Ice 2: Fatal Mobs (KBTBB) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now