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• chapter twelve •


"Hey, wake up. Hey!" In my hazy consciousness, I hear a man's voice calling. I open my eyes slightly and see a figure peering down at me.

"You're finally awake,"

I stare wide eyed at the familiar looking man. I slowly sit up right, suddenly feeling nauseous. Compared to before, I'm even more weak and delicate now, especially to odors. I notice I'm in some kind of dimly lit warehouse. I spit out the metallic taste in my mouth and ask where am I.

"A warehouse by the harbor." Answers Samejima. "Nobody's around this time of night,"

I tense up and become alert. I look and memorize my surroundings. "Who are you working for?" I dare to ask. "Why are you doing this? Why did you go missing?"

"Because Soryu was about to find out who I really am." Samejima answers. "But now that I have the DVD, it's not a problem."

So it wasn't for me... I snicker. "Well that's stupid. Why would you apply to the Ice Dragons if you were scared to be found out." I say, my gaze stern. "What's in it?" I nod towards the DVD.

"I don't think you understand the value of this DVD." He says. Of course I don't, that's why I'm asking! "This proves who the shooter was the night of the auction."

The scene of that night comes to mind. "It was you?"

"Of course not. I'm just your average thief," Samejima confesses.

I certainly didn't expect that. "A thief?" I blink at him.

"Yeah. That's how I'll get the money from the real culprit."

I frown. "If it's not you... then who is it?"

A voice then rings out. "That's enough chatting." I look towards the direction of the voice and see a gun glint in the darkness. And the person holding the gun is Soryu's right hand man - Kyo.

"I knew it was you," Samejima says.

I look between the two and then scoff amused. "Why am I not surprised?"

"Hand over that DVD." He demands.

"How did you know I was here?" Snarls Samejima.

"I knew Soryu had something, so I went to the length of sneaking into his suite in the hotel and saw the information on the mirror." Kyo admits. "I went to the address on the mirror but never expected I'd see you kidnapping Reina."

"...You followed me!" Samejima says annoyed.

I'm a bit confused now. "What exactly is going on?"

"He's the one behind the shooting!" Samejima exposes. "He betrayed Soryu!"

"Shut up!" Kyo knocks Samejima in the back of his head with the butt of his gun and he falls to the ground.

"Okay, but why am I not surprised?" I end up saying as I watch them, amused because I'm not getting hurt. "Honestly, lowkey I expected something like this to happen."

"I don't know where he got that information, but he's just trying to get ahead." Says Kyo, who then takes the DVD out of the pocket of Samejima, who's unconscious. He tries to put it in his own pocket.

"So much for a thief," I mumble as I glance at the one in the floor. I have an idea of what's going on but either way, Soryu basically left that to me. I grab Kyo's hand that's holding onto the DVD and try to snatch it. "You must really have a death wish if you betrayed Soryu," I say before I kick the back of his legs and pin him down and take the DVD. "My god, you're so weak," I start to walk away.

Black Ice 2: Fatal Mobs (KBTBB) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now