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• chapter eight •


    When I open my eyes, I see that I'm not on the jet anymore but rather in a hotel like room. I stay still until I fully wake up, knowing it's one of the process to do whenever one gets kidnapped and listen to my surroundings. I move my hands a little and feel nothing keeping them secure. I also feel my clothes on me. That's a good sign. I hear nothing around me but the sound of typing. Then I slowly turn around to the source of the sounds, my head hurting. It's no other than my brother. I feel my body relax.

    "You knocked out fast," He says, not looking up the screen. "We're you that tired o qué pedo?" I look down to the sheets, messing with them. I feel so... empty but yet heavy.

    "Where are we?" My eyes feel puffy from all that crying last night. I look towards the window. I get up and walk towards it, opening the blinds. The sun is barely coming up. What time is it? I grab my phone to check the time. Wait... "Why are we still in Tokyo?" I look outside, the buildings familiar. I look around the room. Okay good, at least we're not in that hotel.

    It's 5:45am. Last time I checked the time I was with Amaya and it was barely past midnight. I only slept a few hours? I'll go back to sleep if Adrian doesn't put me to do something. I also notice the amount of phone calls and messages I have. I put my phone down. "Did you not sleep at all?"

    "Sleep is for the weak." He says.

    "Or sleep for a week." I say. Adrian looks up to me. "So, can I go back to sleep or are we gonna do anything?" He doesn't answer. "Wait, why are we still here?"

    "I know you're gonna change your mind and I don't wanna make a double flight so I'm gonna take care of business while I'm here." My brother answers.

    "What makes you think I'm gonna change my mind?" I snap.

    Adrian deadpans at me. "I saw your girl things in the restroom." I poke my cheek out. "If you don't change your mind within a week, we'll leave."

    "Why can't I just leave now? I don't want to be here." I scoff, annoyed. Adrian tosses something and it lands next to me.


    I deadpan at him. He shrugs a shoulder. "Go to sleep. I'll wake you up when it's time to go,"


    "To do business." I smack my lips and eat the chocolate. There's silence for a while.

"Now, can you tell me why the fuck you want to go back home?" Adrian dares to ask. I just glance at him. "Sometimes, I don't get you women. Y'all are so confusing,"

"So are men!" I defend.

"Okay, listen," He deadpans at me... jokingly. I can't help but calm down a little. "You're acting like a sixteen year old right now. You and Soryu." Where is he going with this? "You're twenty-three, goddamnit. Get yo' shit together and get married or something. Y'all getting so annoying with this shit."

I stare at him with wide eyes. Did he just... According to him, he just preached. "Are you on something?"

Adrian laughs. It catches me off guard. He's so... chill. Where that up tight and calculative brother of mine? "No. I'm being dead serious," My eyes widen. "I'm really hoping you change your mind. One because, I mean, my god, you both have had something since the very beginning. You two destined to be together. After spending years together, knowing each other - almost impossible that you'd fall out of love."

Black Ice 2: Fatal Mobs (KBTBB) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now