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chapter sixteen

After their closure, Reina fell asleep on the hospital bed again. Carrying another one tends to do that to many women. Soryu takes his gaze away from her, looking over to the entrance as the door slowly opens after a knock.

The brown haired male slowly walks in, hoping he didn't disturb the couple. "She fell asleep?" He inquires, after slowly closing the door behind him.

"Yeah," Answers the black haired male, glancing over to his sleeping woman, a gentle look in his dark eyes as he sits on the edge of the hospital bed. "she says the baby drains her so she gets tired often. It's normal for a pregnant woman, I assume."

Eisuke watches his long time friend with curiosity, before his eyes slide over to the pale, black haired woman laying on the bed. His eyes then move over to the monitor, watching the heartbeat lines move. The older one still can't seem to accept his first love is carrying the child of his best friend.

The multimillionaire watches the Mobster rubs his thumb over Reina's hand, an aching feeling bothering his chest area inside. "What're you going to name it?"

Soryu releases a short sigh. "We haven't discussed that yet." There's a pause. "This was so unexpected."

"You found her, again, but this time with amnesia and now she's pregnant." Says Eisuke. "How are you handling it?" His head tilts to the side a little, analyzing him. "Took you a while to arrive. You weren't there when she needed you the most." The father wasn't present when checking on the mothers and unborn health.

It takes the Mobster a moment to answer. "I'm trying," He answers his previous question. Eisuke knows his friend has his guard down but he also knows he's quick to raise it back up. "One thing doesn't add up, though." Soryu speaks up again, deep in thought. "We haven't found out who caused Reina's accident."

Eisuke's eyebrows pull together in confusion. "What do you mean?"

"At first, I thought it was one of the Black Crowns members that betrayed them but that'll be a pathetic move. Adrian would've known ahead of time if someone betrayed them." Eisuke sits up at his words, interested. "Someone actually tried to kill Reina." Soryu meets his friends eyes. Eisuke tenses up. "I still don't understand why they faked her death."


"According to Adrian, they saw someone drive off after Reina's car exploded in the opposite direction. I remember hearing the explosion, as well." Soryu swallows his next words, unsure to share them. He almost betrayed his own faction in the moment he heard that noise. He continues instead, "I don't know if he was lying but I know this isn't over. Whoever this person is, is also after what the Dragons are searching for."

"And what is that?"

"We don't know." Soryu returns his gaze to Reina's sleeping body. "That same night, Reina had gathered information in the first four months she was with us and revealed the misunderstanding between the Black Crowns and the Ice Dragons. The reason why the two gangs had become enemies was because of her father, Eduardo, envied my grandfather." This was new information for Eisuke. He didn't know the reason behind the drama. "Eduardo caused the alliance between the gangs to falter, not my grandfather. The Ice Dragons, the Latin Royalty, and Los Caballeros were the ones who created whatever we're after."

"What is it that you're after exactly?" Eisuke inquires, a bit confused.

"We don't know. It's behind a wall, hidden."

"Have you at least found where?"

"Reina and I found it during her first four months here." Soryu informs. "In our old neighborhood, in an abandoned library. To open it, we need a code... from some paintings, apparently."

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